Food Services Contract Awarded

Dear Humber College Community,

Further to the development of Humber’s Food Strategy & Vision, Campus Services is pleased to announce the outcome of the recent RFP for food service provision at Humber.

After a thorough evaluation process involving students, staff, and stakeholders, Chartwells is the successful vendor for Humber’s food service contract.

Chartwells’ proposal demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability, health, and diversity, and is aligned with the objectives of Humber’s Food Strategy & Vision. The proposal outlined innovative initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable food practices, waste reduction, and enhancing our community’s dining experience. Throughout the process, Chartwells made a strong commitment to providing Halal options and increasing plant-based selections, affordability, and supporting campus initiatives. This showed their dedication to fostering a vibrant and healthy community.

Humber is looking forward to renewing our relationship with Chartwells under their new leadership team as they focus on sustainability, health, and community engagement.