Bookstore Update - Winter Term Adoptions

Winter term adoptions are due by October 15, 2021  

With the winter 2022 semester approaching and the announcement of remote and in-person learning, we require your course material requests earlier than in previous years. To this end, we require your adoptions requests by October 15. If we receive requests after that date, there is no guarantee we will have all the options available for the winter term.  

Help your students 

Submitting your adoptions on time contributes to course material affordability by: 

  • Allowing your campus stores time to source used and rental inventory, ensuring that your students have the most affordable options available for the first day of class.  
  • Allowing the campus store team ample time to research your requested materials and determine whether they can be delivered digitally or added to our national list of rental titles, potentially lowering prices even more. NOTE: When new digital titles are added to our library, we may need additional time to verify details with faculty and/or publisher representatives before we are able to adopt and sell.

Adopting digital content? 

It is important that you confirm the exact ISBN with the publisher representative prior to submitting to the campus store. Please specify whether students should purchase the standalone eBook, courseware, and/or a digital bundle. If a bundle is needed, also provide details on its components. With an increasing number of content providers adding digital options, it’s critical these are verified early-on in the adoption process. 

Options available for course materials 

  • Print: textbooks (format hardcover, soft-cover, loose leaf) - these options are dictated by publishers  
  • Digital: Either PDF e-book or Adaptive Learning/Homework Management (i.e. Connect, Wiley Plus, Cengage Now, MyLab etc.) 
  • Custom textbooks: Reduced chapters or combination of multiple texts from one publisher into single volume 
  • Bundles: Two or more textbooks or textbook with digital card sold as one unit 

Adopt now! 

To submit your requests please send them via email:

North Campus
Indira Danjraj x4987 
Course Material Manager Email: or 
Lakeshore Campus
Jim Killen x3556 
Course Material manager Email: or

If you need further information or have any questions regarding course materials or anything Bookstore related, please contact us at your convenience. If we have questions we will be reaching out.

We are here to help you keep moving forward, therefore we all need to work together and think differently. The future is a challenge but together we can make it better. 

Dharmesh Patel
Store Manager, North Campus
Bijal Patel
Store Manager, Lakeshore Campus