Campus Services

Campus Services includes Conference Services, Residence, oversight of retail services on campus, and many other services to provide a quality experience for the Humber community. Here are some highlights of the services we offer and the department’s recent successes!

Campus Services Quick Facts

Conference Services

  • 36% or summer accommodations were used by seven faculties/internal departments!
  • 4497 bed nights were used by internal groups
  • 8084 bed nights were used by external groups
  • Commercial Film Bookings
  • 2017: 5 bookings
  • 2018: 7 bookings
  • 2019: 11 bookings (YTD)
  • 394 events were held at North and Lakeshore this summer

Did you know? Conference Services net revenue directly supports the Residence Life program!

North Campus Residence acted as an Athlete Village for three city wide events:

  • Power Hockey Canada Cup
  • Invitational Youth Games
  • World Junior Lacrosse Championship

Residence (a snapshot of 2019-20 Residents)

  • More than 900 students had moved in by the end of Move In Day, on Sunday, August 25 at both North and Lakeshore campuses
  • 42% of domestic Humber residents used OSAP to pay for some or all of their residence fees
  • 285 North Residence spaces are occupied by University of Guelph-Humber students
  • 15% of residence spaces are occupied by international students

Residence wait list on the Friday before Move In Day:

Lakeshore Campus

  • 2017-18: 275 students
  • 2018-19: 170 students
  • 2019-20: 258 students

North Campus

  • 2017-18: 152 students
  • 2018-19: 184 students
  • 2019-20: 235 students

Retail Services

  • Xerox print center reduced printing YTD by 54,344 (September 2018-YTD) sheets of paper
  • 6.5 trees were saved
  • 8333 sheets of paper = 1 tree

Soupbar partnership with Campus Services, Ignite, Faculty of Business and Feed it Forward

  • 8570 meals from October 2018 to April 2019

New in Food Services innovation

  • Smart Market, 3rd floor CTI
  • The Spot, 1st floor CTI

We care about food safety

  • 20+ audits are completed each month
  • Food Safety Inspections
  • Toronto Public Health inspections
  • Brand Quality Assurance

Last year, Campus Services contributed $132,111 to Humber scholarships and awards.