CNIB’s Phone it Forward is Coming to Campus

Humber College has partnered with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to bring their Phone it Forward program to campus!

Students, staff and faculty can donate their smartphones to people with sight loss. All donated smartphones are wiped, refurbished, and loaded with accessible applications. 

Donation Process:

  1. Register your donation in order to receive a tax receipt quote for your smartphone donation. You can also call 1.833.554.5020 to register your device. 
  2. Pick up a prepaid Phone it Forward envelope from campus (see locations below). 
  3. Pack your smartphone donation and the required signed documents in the envelope and drop them off in any Canada Post mailbox. 
  4. Once your device is evaluated and confirmed, you will receive your tax receipt in the mail. 

Phone it Forward Locations:

  • North Campus: Learning Resource Commons (LRC) Welcome Desk 
  • Lakeshore Campus: Student Welcome and Resource Centre 
  • International Graduate School (IGS): Tech Zone 

Humber's Community Outreach and Workforce Development, the Office of Sustainability and Information Technology Solutions (ITS), are excited to bring this life-changing program to campus. 

Creating a Positive Sustainability Loop:

Humber community members will have the opportunity to donate smartphones they no longer need to a community partner for a worthy initiative seeking to provide equitable technology access. This will also help divert hazardous waste from landfills, which can leak toxic elements that are harmful to the environment and humans. 

Did you know? According to the Global E-waste Monitor 2020 report, a record 53.6 million tonnes of global electronic waste was dumped last year, which is equivalent to the weight of 350 cruise ships. Only 17.4 per cent of global e-waste was officially documented and formally collected and recycled. Do your part and recycle or donate your used electronics.