Collaborative SoTL Research Project Launching Soon

Are you interested in getting involved with research but don't know where to start? Perhaps you are a new, emerging or experienced researcher and would like to get involved with something new and collaborative.    

The Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) invites interested Humber faculty and staff to participate in a collaborative Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research project.  

The group will decide on a study topic based on everyone’s research + teaching and learning interests (it could focus on topics such as gamification, flexible deadlines, student well-being, group work, and public scholarship, for example).    

The group will meet regularly in the winter 2023 term to plan the research study. In the fall 2023 term, the research will be implemented, and data will be collected. Data will then be analyzed and written up in the winter of 2024 to submit a publication to the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).  

Please contact Siobhan Williams ( if you have any questions or would like to join the group. The schedule for meetings will be set in consultation with group members who have noted their interest by December 10, 2022. 

For more information on what SoTL is and other opportunities to get involved, please view our Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Handbook.

Research timeline: 

  • December 2022/January 2023: find interested faculty/staff to join the group and decide the research's focus. For example, group work (like group writing), gamification, flexible deadlines, etc. 
  • Winter/Spring term 2023 (January-June): plan a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) group research study.
  • Fall term 2023 (September-December): Implement the study in classes/collect data.
  • Winter term 2024 (January-June): analyze data and write an article for submission to the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).