Culture's Compass: Navigating the Waves of Change Open Call

The Culture's Compass team is looking for gallery submissions! 

Culture’s Compass navigating the wave of change is an impactful digital experience created by Humber students, highlighting stories of artist resilience and perseverance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The digital experience will accommodate the arts through a digital gallery, a docu-series, as well as contain information and resources on the Culture’s Compass website about the state of the industry in 2021.  

The digital gallery will hold works from both emerging talent and established artists of various mediums. It will also include aspects of augmented reality programmed within the gallery that the audience can view in their own home. For more information, please reference the attached brief on the opportunity.  

Applicants interested in participating can fill out the form here. We will get back to applicants as soon as possible. Please note that selected applicants will be compensated for their work.  

If you are not an emerging artists yourself we would appreciate your help in sharing the following information with emerging artsits/students in your network. 

Submissions are due by June 25, 2021.


Culture’s Compass Navigating the Waves of Change is an impactful digital experience led by Humber students. This digital experience consists of a website, a digital gallery, and a minidocuseries. The website will contain information and resources about the state of the cultural industries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This website will also include a digital gallery housing works from both emerging talent and established artists of various mediums.


There's always a theme. This year, the theme is resilience - we want your stories about perseverance and adaptability during the pandemic. We want to know how you've found success, overcome setbacks, and created opportunities for yourself and for your passions despite the worst this year has thrown at you.

And we want to tell the world about it.


We are a diverse group of Humber students tasked with creating an impactful digital experience that highlights stories of artist resilience and perseverance during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The arts sector has been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; to rebuild, advocacy is required. This website will be a platform for stakeholders to obtain a better understanding of the cultural landscape and to access resources allowing them to build back strong.


Are you an artist or creative? We want to speak with you!

The Culture's Compass team is looking to record interviews, and help you tell your story. We'd love to showcase your work in our digital gallery and on our social media accounts.

The website will be created in the early weeks of June. By the second half of June interviews will be conducted and artwork will be collected. We're looking to collect footage, artwork, and stories which will be used to highlight the journey of the artist during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they’ve overcome difficulties and continued to pursue their passions.

We have a spotlight, and we'd like you to step into it.