Cyber Security Awareness Month 2022: Phishing Awareness Game - Season 2

As part of #CyberMonth2022, the HSPP REEL Big Phishing Trainer game returned for a second season. Once again, through the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership program (HSPP), our colleges collaborated to develop an interactive phishing awareness game. This season of the game reinforces our learning objectives of the previous season, identifying phishing emails through red flags that are commonly seen in phishing attempts. In addition to identifying phishing emails, additional security best practices have been incorporated to exercise your overall security awareness.

In addition to being fun, interactive, and a great learning experience, the game also features a Humber Vs. Seneca leaderboard, which will allow for friendly competition.  You will have the opportunity to play the game as many times as you would like, improving your score and increasing Humber's chances of being this years’ winner.

The game was delivered to all employees on October 1 and currently, our colleagues at Seneca are leading. We are encouraging all Humber employees to play the game to improve their knowledge and help our community be victorious this season.

To get started, please go to to play the game today!

Below are several ways in which we can improve awareness and have employees play the game;

  • Share the link with your colleagues in team chats and meetings
  • Reach out to a colleague via teams or email and share your experience with them while urging them to play the game.
  • Having an internal team competition to see who scores the highest in the game.

For more information about our Cyber Security Awareness Month (CyberMonth2022), please visit our post and the ENN video on the Communiqué.

IT Security