Don't Slip Up This Winter – How to Prevent Injuries on Campus

Preventing slips, trips & falls

As we adapt to the winter season, below are a few tips to stay safe and maintain the safety of your peers.

  • Report hazards (spills/snow/ice) ASAP.  Call ext. 8500
  • Wear appropriate seasonal footwear
  • Pay attention to your surroundings
  • Use cleared campus pathways that Humber has provided for your safety

Accidents & near misses

Accident: an unfortunate incident that typically results in damage or injury

Near miss: an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury or damage

  • Report everything!
  • Notify your Supervisor
  • Conditions will be addressed to prevent future injuries

If you are injured on campus:

  • Call Public Safety at x4000 for help
  • Notify your supervisor
  • Option to seek first aid at the Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre
    • North Campus, LRC building 2nd floor
    • Lakeshore Campus, WEL building 2nd floor
  • If you seek outside medical attention, please inform your supervisor
  • Complete and submit a Health & Safety Incident Report (\safety)

Stay safe!

Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee