Employee Engagement Survey Results and Action Planning


Thank you to everyone that completed the 2024 Humber College Employee Engagement Survey. We appreciate you taking the time to share your honest perspective and feedback.  

In Spring of 2024, Humber partnered with McLean & Company, an independent HR research firm, to administer the Employee Engagement Survey to gather insights and gain a deeper understanding of employee engagement at Humber. I am pleased to share that McLean & Company has compiled the survey data and feedback.  

With an overall response rate of 38 per cent, there are some highlights I would like to share. Across Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber, 60.5 per cent of employees are engaged and 18.1 per cent of employees are almost engaged which is on par with the Educational Services industry benchmark. The highest engagement scores indicate that employees feel empowered, enjoy positive working relationships with their managers and coworkers, and find the working environment and culture to be supportive, inclusive, and safe. There are opportunities for us to do better to support career growth and development, recognition, company potential, and department leadership. Attached is a quick snapshot of the employee engagement survey results.   

The executive team and leaders across the college are committed to taking necessary actions to help address the survey feedback and make Humber a better place to work.  

Objectives and Plan

People(s) & Culture and McLean & Company held Engagement Results and Action Planning meetings with all Senior Leaders and People Leaders at Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber earlier this month to share the high-level findings of the survey, discuss engagement drivers, action planning process and implementation timelines.  

Based on the survey data and findings, Senior Leaders identified engagement drivers that will have the most impact on engagement levels. This feedback will be presented to the Executive team for review and approval, and we will begin working on a Humber-wide action plan including targeted strategies to address employee concerns. 

Senior Leaders and People Leaders will receive leader-level reports on engagement and will be responsible for creating and implementing their own Employee Engagement Action Plans based on their engagement results by Fall of 2024. Leaders will engage their teams in the results discussion process and plans should be built in collaboration with the entire team as everyone has a responsibility for engagement. 

In Fall of 2024, a townhall will be organized to further discuss the survey results and share the details of the Humber action plan and its implementation process with all our employees. Results, expectations, and progress will be shared across the organization through townhalls, meetings, and various communication channels to ensure transparency, collaboration, and accountability for this initiative. 

Engagement Framework

Humber will use a hybrid framework approach to engagement analysis and action planning. With this approach, organizational priorities are identified, and further analysis will be done at the Senior Leader and People Leader levels to identify unique priorities and create tailored action plans for those levels and departments.  

As mentioned above, we are finalizing the organizational engagement drivers that we want to focus on as an organization and will soon begin working on a Humber-wide action plan. Senior Leaders and People Leaders are currently analyzing their results and identifying insights and actions for their plans.  

This approach will allow us to better understand the engagement landscape horizontally and across the organization and where gaps may need to be addressed at the organizational, departmental/faculty, and team levels.  

A diagram of a organizational structure

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Tools and Supports

A Manager Toolkit was given to all People Leaders including an Engagement Action Form and resources and materials to support the action planning and implementation process.  

The People(s) and Culture department will provide support and will check-in on the status of action plans throughout the year to ensure progress is made to address employee concerns and improve our programs and practices within the department/faculty and across the organization.  

Closing Remarks

On behalf of the Executive Team, I want to thank you again for sharing your feedback and express our gratitude to all our employees and students, who every day contribute to making Humber a great place to work. Your voice and feedback will play a significant role in determining how we invest in our people and will shape our employee and student programs, practices, and initiatives moving forward.  

Should you have any questions, please contact us at oe@humber.ca.  


Jennifer O’Brien
Vice President, People(s) and Culture