Farewell from Lori Diduch

Dear Humber community,

As I prepare to transition to my new role of retiree, and walk the halls of Humber one last time, I am taking this moment to thank you for your support and friendship over the years. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of walking alongside you as we worked through the many opportunities and challenges that came our way. You have achieved significant goals and started some powerful conversations and calls to action over the years and I know you will continue to respond in equally powerful ways.

The list of what I am proud of from my time at Humber is long. On my first day I commented on the energy and the caring nature of all who worked here. As I prepare for my last day, I would say the same thing. It is the people who truly make Humber what it is.

You are in good hands with President Vaughan, and I will miss working with her and the Executive Team as they craft Humber’s next strategic plan together with all of you.

Jason Hunter will take on the position of Acting Vice-President, HROE until the role of Vice-President People(s) and Culture is hired. I have learned a lot from Humber and all its great leaders. I will always remember you and my time at the college and leave with many fond memories.

Thanks for all that you do to advance inclusivity and equity at Humber. Farewell.

Lori Diduch