Follow-up to Recent President’s and Academic Town Hall

Thank you again to those who joined us for the recent President’s and Academic Town Halls.  

President’s Town Hall

Unanswered questions from the President's Town Hall have been clustered thematically below. 

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging  

As the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce winds down, Humber remains committed to the values and actions that are outlined in our framework. The work will continue in departments and faculties across the College and build on the momentum created by the Taskforce. Information on the latest initiatives, including the current inclusive hiring initiative, can be found on the Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion webpage.  

Please find the recording of the President’s Town Hall here.  

Academic Town Hall  

Unanswered questions from the Academic Town Hall have been clustered thematically below. 

Credential Mix 
A comprehensive range of applied industry-responsive credentials is one of the key features of a polytechnic institution. Humber is committed to expanding our range of credentials, pathways, and recognition of prior learning processes to support transitions between high school, post-secondary education and employment. Further information regarding Humber’s credential mix vision can be found in the 2023-2026 Academic Plan.  

Personalizing the Learning Journey 
Re-imagining the scheduling of programs and courses to enable greater flexibility is a priority for Humber moving forward. Flexible learning approaches support the personalization of learning by allowing students to have choice in how, what, when and where they learn, thereby increasing equity and access to education. The 2023-2026 Academic Plan outlines additional details on Humber’s plans to create flexible program and course delivery options that support all learners. 

Learner Experience Across Humber’s Campuses: 
Each of Humber’s three campuses provides a unique learner experience. Students benefit across campuses from expert faculty, industry partners and a range of services to support learner success. Information on student supports and services can be found here. More details on Humber’s campuses and facilities can be found here.  

Non-full-time Faculty Training Opportunities 
As a polytechnic institution, our goal is to build career-ready citizens. We do this by developing deep levels of subject matter expertise through an active learning environment. New part-time, partial load or sessional faculty are invited to participate in activities facilitated by the Innovative Learning team to explore ways to support teaching excellence and digital learning. These sessions are a value-add and attendance is fully voluntary. To attend, complete the online registration form

Please find the recording of the Academic Town Hall here

Upcoming Town Hall 

The next Town Hall will focus on Humber’s Centres of Innovation (COI) Network on Thursday, February 2 from 10 – 11 a.m. Register early today. Looking forward to everyone joining us in the new year.