Global Corporate Challenge - Mini Challenge 4

As we enter the final stages of the GCC, we have one last mini challenge to beat – will you join the club? The final mini challenge will take place from Thursday, November 24th until Wednesday, November 30th, where you will have the chance to push yourself to the limit and secure that final, gleaming Mini Challenge trophy. 

  • Take 75,000 steps over seven days and join the 75,000 Club
  • Take 100,000 steps over seven days and join the 100,000 Club
  • Take 125,000 steps over seven days and join the 125,000 Club
  • Take 150,000 steps over seven days and join the 150,000 Club

How will you win the challenge?  You can break it up into accruing a daily average over seven days, or aim for one, high-stepping day.

Good luck!