A Happy and Inclusive Halloween

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to the principles of human rights, equity and inclusion. Monday, October 31 is Halloween, a day filled with scary and creative fun. If you choose to participate in Halloween festivities over the coming days, we encourage you to think about your costumes or party themes.

Some costume choices can reinforce stereotypes of peoples’ identities or demean and devalue the significance of aspects of cultures and religions, particularly those of people from equity-deserving groups. The impact of your choices can be significant, harmful, and negative, regardless of your individual intent. 

For more information on cultural appropriation and Halloween please view the following videos:

What can you do to address cultural appropriation?

  1. Education, Reflection, and Self-Work
    • Research cultural appropriation and the impact of cultural appropriation to better your understanding of the issue and how you might address it in your life.
    • Consider your plans for Halloween or other festivities and reflect on whether you are participating in ways that might cause harm to others.
    • Change your plans.
    • Consider taking action with your family and friends to encourage a more inclusive celebration.
  2. Dialogue and Advocacy
    • Talk to others about what you’ve learned and how other peoples’ cultures and identities are not appropriate costumes or something to be made light of.
    • Speak up if you see someone wearing something that could cause harm. You could start a conversation, ask a question, and encourage them to learn more.

Remember culture is NOT a costume. At Humber, we DO NOT mimic equity-deserving groups.

On behalf of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Student Success & Engagement, we wish you a happy and safe Halloween.