Have You Completed Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire?

Humber College is committed to the principles outlined in the Employment Equity Act with regard to four designated groups – Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities/racialized groups and women. Employment Equity is a program legislated by the Federal Employment Equity Act to remove barriers to employment for Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and women. Humber includes sexual minorities as part of its overall equity program, including employment equity. All Humber employees’ participation is important.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is encouraging all faculty, support staff and administrators to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire. The information contained in this questionnaire will be held in the strictest of confidence and is accessible only to personnel in Human Resources responsible for Human Rights & Diversity. Your response to the questionnaire is voluntary.

To access the questionnaire:

  1. Go to fluidsurveys.com/s/HumberCollegeEmploymentEquity
  2. Input your email address in the “Email” box and click “Continue”
  3. If you are unable to access the questionnaire using your email address, please contact Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity by email at nancy.simms@humber.ca or by phone at 416.675.6622 x4425 to obtain an invite code.

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an accessible format, or have any questions about Employment Equity, please refer to the Resources section of the Human Rights, Equity & Diversity website, hrs.humber.ca/diversity or contact Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at 416.675.6622 x4425.

If you have already completed the survey and wish to revise your responses, you can update your survey using steps 1 – 3 outlined above.

Thank you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.