Have you discovered Panopto yet?

September was an exciting month for Panopto at Humber. It was Humber’s first September with Panopto, and we wanted to check-in with the community and share some incredible updates with you.

There are now 1,750+ users enrolled into Panopto, with a whopping 2,800+ videos uploaded. Panopto is seeing on average, 150+ unique daily content viewers, and 300+ average views during each weekday. Excellent job, Humber! The Panopto team is thrilled to see such incredible uptake.

You may be curious to see where Panopto is being used currently. Take a look at some examples below:

  • Writing Skills
  • Copyright-approved film excerpts
  • Bioscience
  • Gaming Physics
  • ENN Updates (yes, Powered by Panopto!)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Digital Content Strategy
  • Acting for Film & Television
  • Mint Jelly (Just kidding. Workshop-goers, this one’s for you)
  • and many more!

If you haven’t hopped on board with Panopto just yet – we highly encourage you to login and discover just how easy it is to create engaging, effective videos. Login today!

Wait – what's Panopto?

Designed to help you record, edit, search, and stream curriculum videos, Panopto (Humber’s academic video streaming platform) will help you better engage your learners, and easily share content with your colleagues. Some of the world’s top academic institutions are already using Panopto, and we can’t wait for you to discover the many ways that it can help you innovate in teaching and learning.

Top things to discover on Panopto, once you login using your Humber credentials:

  1. Click the “Create” button to find out how easy it is to create and upload a quick, accessible videos using your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Use the “Browse” functionality to discover videos that have already been made available for you to use from our early users.
  3. Find out just how powerful Panopto’s “Smart Search” really is (search names, text on PowerPoints, spoken word, and more…)
  4. Activate one of the many Blackboard Integrations within your course (mashups, portals, and more!)
  5. Create your very first “Video Quiz” and watch the results flow into Blackboard’s Grade Centre.
  6. Panopto’s redesigned mobile video player enhances support for learners who are on-the-go. Learners may now, from their phone: navigate the video’s table of contents, search within a video, take notes, partake in discussion, and rate the video.


Workshops and on-demand training options are available to all faculty and staff throughout Fall 2019. Visit the newly-developed events calendar for a current listing, or keep an eye out on the Communiqué for further updates.

If you have any questions about Panopto at Humber, or have any feedback or success stories, feel free to reach out to Humber’s Panopto Support Team, who will be happy to assist.


Your friendly Panopto administrators
Darren Richards & Lisa DiBarbora

*Panopto is proudly supported by the Teaching & Learning Support and Humber Libraries