Holiday Greetings from Humber!

In the spirit of a holiday season that’s both joyful and sustainable, please use this e-postcard to extend holiday greetings to your colleagues and associates.

We encourage you to use this holiday outlook e-signature, which highlights the college holiday hours. To add to your e-signature in outlook:

  • Click New E-mail
  • Click Signature tab and select ‘Signatures’
  • Copy and paste e-signature image below your name and contact information that is currently in your e-signature
  • Click OK
  • Please replace your e-signature in the New Year with our new 50th Anniversary e-signature (more details to follow at the end of December)

The holiday e-postcard and e-signature were created by Humber work-study student Jason Carlos.

Best wishes to all faculty, staff and students for a happy, healthy holiday season.

Marketing and Communications Team