Humber Featured in CICan ImpAct Climate Report

CICan ImpAct Climate Report

The milestone report details the role played by Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) members in addressing climate change and supporting Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy. 

“Are We Ready?” is a scan and compilation of college and institute leadership in climate action across three areas: Curriculum, Applied Research and Community Engagement, and Campus Infrastructure and Indigenous Approaches to Sustainability.

Humber College's NX building retrofit is highlighted on page 59 of the report.


Humber was recognized in 2019 with a Gold STARS rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). The 2022 SCI report is out, and Humber’s 2019 STARS Gold level is the highest grade for an Ontario College. We’re recertifying in the next few months and hope to show our progress in campus sustainability.