Humber Galleries' Reactivation Project is Here

What does inspiration and collaboration look like in a distanced setting? 

What does a music piece reacting to a physical artwork sound like?

What does an artwork look like in response to a movement piece? 

As we continue to work and adjust to this new digital world Humber Galleries wanted to explore how different disciplines inspire creation in one another while working completely separated. Bringing together a group of multi-disciplinary Humber students to help us we’ve created a new project entitled REACTIVATION.  

Beginning with works from the Humber Galleries Permanent Art Collection we tasked a group of Music students to create new compositions in direct response to the inspiration they felt from the collection works. Those music compositions were then given to a group of Movement students to follow the same inspiration process and create choreographed movement compositions that were finally given to a group of Creative students that turned their inspiration into various visual and digital artwork pieces. The result is 12 amazing original works created individually but also as a larger whole from common inspirations.

Visit to learn more about this project and view the original artworks created by the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts students.