Humber Strongly Encourages Mask Wearing Across the College

As we move into the winter months and the many social gatherings that happen at this time of year, it’s important that we take steps to keep the most vulnerable in our communities, whether family, friends, students, colleagues or those working on the front lines safe. 

Earlier this week, Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly recommended that Ontarians wear masks in indoor public spaces and social settings as the hospital system simultaneously battles three respiratory diseases – COVID-19, influenza and RSV. Hospital Intensive Care Units in the province are struggling with capacity as children, particularly those under the age of four, have been acutely impacted by these viruses.  

With this latest information, Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber strongly encourage everyone to wear a mask while in public and indoor settings, including on campus. Many of our community members have young children, seniors and immuno-compromised individuals in their lives and reducing community transmission requires collective action.  

Vaccines continue to be our best defence against these infectious diseases and the College strongly encourages everyone to get their flu shot and COVID-19 booster shots as soon as you are eligible. We continue to employ enhanced cleaning protocols on campus, including frequent cleaning of high-touch areas.  

I also want to remind the Humber community to practice good health measures and layers of protection, including:  

  • Do daily self-screenings for respiratory symptoms.  
  • Stay at home when sick, feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness.  
  • Practice good hand hygiene.  
  • Stay up to date with vaccines, especially COVID-19 boosters and the flu shot.  
  • Wear a mask in indoor public settings.  

Individuals are responsible for bringing their own mask to wear on campus. There may continue to be situations in which masking and other personal protective equipment (PPE) is required at Humber. If your learning or working environment fits these criteria, masks or other PPE will be provided to you by your Faculty or department. Disposable medical masks will also be available at various locations across the college campuses and work sites.  

Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber are not reinstating mandatory masking or vaccination policies at this time. A cross-college working group continues to meet regularly to discuss any new developments in the province or new guidelines from public health officials. As we have throughout the pandemic, we will continue to act in consideration of public health direction and may adjust our approach as circumstances continue to evolve.  

We know that the past three years have been challenging and that changing health circumstances and public health directives can be stressful and exhausting. We want to see the successful completion of the Fall term and we know that working together to reduce transmission can help achieve that. 

Stay safe and be well.  

Ann Marie Vaughan 
President and CEO