Humber Student Success Survey (HSSS)

Help us promote it!

At Humber, student success and retention are institutional priorities; understanding our students is essential to provide focus for student success initiatives. Every year, 3 in 4 incoming students successfully complete their first year. However, 1 in 4 leave the college within the first year. It is imperative that Humber is able to identify students at risk of attrition and initiate timely interventions.

The Humber Student Success Survey (HSSS) is one means of identifying students at risk. The survey is administered each year to students in all semesters after the fall midterm exams. The four purposes of the survey are:

  1. To understand our diverse student population in terms of sociodemographic and other factors (e.g., culture and ethnicity, sexual identity, disabilities) so that we can assess the extent to which we are meeting their needs;
  2. To understand students’ academic and career goals and the extent to which we are meeting them;
  3. To identify students who may be at risk of attrition; and
  4. To gain a broad understanding of students’ support needs to allow for service planning and resource allocation.

This year, all students will receive their personal survey through email between November 1 and 15.

Please help us to ensure a strong response to this survey by encouraging students in all years and programs to complete the Humber Student Satisfaction Survey (HSSS) so that we can continue to make a positive impact in their success!