Introducing Our Fall 2022 Secondees - Innovative Learning

We are excited to welcome the following 17 faculty secondees representing all six faculties and SSE to the Innovative Learning team for Fall 2022:

Shaheen Ariefdien (FSCS) Patricia Glogowski (FLAS) Brett Reynolds (FLAS)
Marilyn Cresswell (FMCA) Darren Hupp (LFB) Kate Staig (SSE)
Nicole Chuchmach (LFB) Mark Karam (FMCA) Shara Stone (FSCS)
Christine Dennis (FHSW) Mackenzie Ketchell (FSCS) David Vazquez-Abrams (FAST)
Cheryl Francis-Nurse (FAST) Brad Klump (FMCA) Cynthia Young (FMCA)
Anne Frost (FMCA) Carl Oliver (FAST)  

In addition to providing an invaluable conduit connecting faculty to IL and IL to our faculty, this team of secondees will provide faculty-focused contributions to IL initiates including the development of learning and teaching resources supporting Teaching Excellence, Digital Learning and the new Academic Plan. 

Watch for opportunities to provide your experience and feedback via the secondees and other processes in the coming weeks. 

We send our appreciation to every secondee, and thank each individual responsible for approving these secondments for their support.

Your Innovative Learning team,

Dawn Macaulay, Ranya Khan and Heather Lowry