Kelly Jackson to become Vice-President, External Affairs and Professional Learning

With Rani Dhaliwal’s recent decision to retire at the end of 2021, I am delighted to announce that beginning next January, Kelly Jackson will become Vice-President, External Affairs and Professional Learning.

Kelly joined Humber in 2017 to lead an integrated approach to communications, marketing and government relations and has been a member of the executive team since 2019.

The External Affairs and Professional Learning portfolio will bring together a wide range of service departments that support Humber’s external relationships, continuous professional learning, workforce development and access strategies, and reputation management. Each of these areas connect Humber’s vision and priorities to the needs and interests of our learners, alumni, donors, and industry, community and government partners.

Kelly’s responsibilities will include oversight for:

  • Advancement and Alumni
  • Education & Training Solutions
  • Government Relations, Marketing and Communications
  • Community Outreach and Workforce Development, with the exception of Humber’s Community Employment Services
  • Continuous Professional Learning in collaboration with Faculties, Education & Training Solutions and other service delivery providers
  • Ongoing work related to the University of Guelph-Humber, in collaboration with the Senior Vice-President Academic

Humber’s Community Employment Services will remain part of the Students and Institutional Planning portfolio under Jason Hunter’s leadership. Beginning this fall, these services will be aligned to support a more coordinated approach to ensuring successful career outcomes for students and clients. Changes related to the Community Outreach and Workforce Development portfolio will take place effective September.

Kelly and Rani will be working together starting September to support a smooth transition before Rani’s retirement in December.

I am confident that these changes will enable us to ensure we are able to advance our strategic priorities while we continue to navigate a changing environment and the impacts of COVID-19. Please join me in congratulating Kelly on her expanded role.


Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.