League for Innovation in the Community College International Student Literary Competition

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences is excited to host this year’s League for Innovation in the Community College International Student Literary Competition on behalf of Humber. This year’s theme "Believe, Belong & Be Here" invites our students to find, explore, and create spaces of belonging through original works of writing in one of four categories: fictional short story, poetry, personal essay, and one-act play.

We would like to ask that you promote this competition with your students, and we have attached a flyer with QR codes to more information about the competition and to the entry form. Humber has many talented student writers across all our credential levels, and this is a wonderful opportunity for them to have an audience for their writing and a chance to be published in the League’s Student Literary Awards anthology should they make it to the international level.

One winner in each of the four categories will be selected to represent Humber at the international competition. Each of the four Humber winners will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and will have the opportunity to win a cash prize at the international competition level.

Entries must be original works written during enrollment in for-credit courses at Humber. While the students need to be enrolled in for-credit courses, the work they submit does not have to be a piece they submitted for a course, though it can be. The submission deadline for the Humber-level competition is April 10, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. To access the entry form, students must log-in using their Humber credentials.

Vsit the competition webpage for more information. If you or your students have any questions, please have them reach out to Nora Esperanza at nora.esperanza@humber.ca.

We look forward to reading our students’ incredible work and providing them with an opportunity to showcase their talents on an international writing stage.