Melissa VanTwest, Associate Dean, PPDR

I am very pleased to announce that Melissa VanTwest is Humber's new Associate Dean Program Planning Development and Renewal (PPDR). In her new role, Melissa will be responsible for providing leadership on program development, renewal and curricular change processes as well as creating synergies with the various units across the college that support continuous program improvements.

Melissa joined PPDR in 2013 as a Research Analyst, moving into the role of Program Consultant and most recently taking on a leadership role in the College Quality Assurance Audit Process. In Melissa’s 10 years at Humber, she has demonstrated the ability to think systematically at the departmental and institutional level and provided leadership and direction to support the enhancement of program life cycle processes.

Her graduate work in Systems Leadership in Higher Education as well as her experience on provincial quality assurance groups demonstrates her experience in systems thinking to strategically manage in the higher education institutional environment and support program quality through integration of evidence-based decision-making approaches.

Her ability to cultivate strong relationships with a range of stakeholders to support the identification and creation of synergies demonstrates her strong commitment to building a quality culture at Humber.

Melissa will start in her new position on January 10, 2022. 

Please join me in congratulating Melissa on her new role.

Nichole Molinaro
Dean, Program Planning, Develpment and Renewal