Message from Toronto Public Health

Toronto Public Health (TPH) has been investigating an outbreak of mumps in the city. A majority of cases are among young adults aged 18-35, and have included students at Toronto universities and colleges. Outbreaks of mumps on postsecondary campuses have also been seen in other parts of Canada and the United States.

The following is from Toronto Public Health, and gives further details. Please share this information with your students/staff as necessary.

Dear Student/Staff,

Toronto Public Health (TPH) is currently investigating a mumps outbreak in the city, predominantly in people aged 18-35. Mumps causes fever, swelling of one or more salivary glands, loss of appetite, lethargy, and headache. Complications can include swelling of the testicles or miscarriage.

Outbreaks of mumps can occur amongst college and university students. In order to protect yourself and your friends from mumps:

1) Check your vaccination record

Two doses of mumps vaccine (MMR or MMRV) are recommended for all adults born after 1970. Many adults born between 1970 and 1992 may have received only one dose as a child.

2) If necessary, get a booster shot

If you are unsure of your vaccination history or you have not received 2 doses of MMR or MMRV vaccine, see your health care provider as soon as possible for a booster shot.

3) Don't share drinks, utensils, food or water bottles

The mumps virus is found in saliva, and is spread through coughing, sneezing, kissing, and sharing drinks, utensils, food or water bottles.

For further information visit If you have any questions, please contact TPH's, Health Connection at (416) 338-7600 during business hours (8:30am to 4:30pm). If you have experienced symptoms of mumps, please see your health care provider.


Dr. Lisa Berger
Associate Medical Officer of Health
Toronto Public Health