NAOSH Week Winners!

May 29, 2012

Congratulations to the following individuals for answering all of the NAOSH Week quiz questions correctly:

  1. Dekel Chui
  2. Amber Lantsman
  3. Thangaraj Seeniraja

Enjoy your Tim Hortons Gift card!!

Answers to the quiz are in bold below.

  1. You are required to report all work related injuries to your supervisor as soon as possible.

a) True
b) False

  1. Which of the following are good practices to help avoid slips, trips, and falls?

a) Be aware of your environment and select footwear appropriate to your work
b) Adjust your pace to suit the walking surface
c) When carrying objects, ensure that you can properly see where you are going
d) Keep walkways and floors clear of boxes, extension cords and litter
e) All of the above

  1. Proper workstation design always includes which of the following?

a) The top of the monitor should be at, or slightly below, eye level
b) A foot stool under the desk
c) Your elbows to bend at a 90 degree angle when your fingers are on the home row of the keyboard
d) All of the above
e) A & C

  1. A chair that is properly sized and adjusted to your height will allow:

a) Your feet to rest flat on the floor or comfortably on a foot rest
b) A few centimeters of space between the front of the chair and the back of your knees
c) You to maintain perfect posture throughout your work day
d) A & B

  1. Before using a portable ladder it is important to:

a) Inspect it for broken or missing parts
b) Inspect the area where it will be used for hazards such as falling material or electrical wires
c) Ensure you are wearing appropriate footwear
d) All of the above

  1. A general guideline in the use of perfumes and other scented products is that the scent should not be detectable more than an arm’s length away from the user:

a) True
b) False

  1. Options for adjusting the lighting at your work station may include:

a) Using task specific lighting
b) Increasing the height of your computer monitor
c) Adjusting brightness settings on your computer
d) A & C

  1. If you sustain an injury during the course of your work, you can seek medical attention by:

a) Visiting the Health Centre
b) Calling Security
c) Visiting an urgent care clinic (when neither the Health Centre or Security are available)
d) All of the above

  1. When using a portable ladder you should:

a) Only carry materials in one hand when ascending or descending the ladder
b) Avoid moving the ladder if nearby objects can be reached by stretching outside the side rails
c) Always keep one hand or one foot in contact with the ladder when ascending or descending
d) None of the above

  1. Common hazards associated with slips, trips and falls include:

a) Spills
b) Loose rugs or mats
c) Weather (rain or snow)
d) Clutter
e) All of the above

Bonus Question:

What does the acronym NAOSH stand for?
North American Occupational Safety & Health