New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra - April 2023

Please note this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below:

Multiple Grading Schemas: Add, Edit, Copy 

Instructors can now add, copy, and edit up to 100 grading schemas per course and choose the best grading schema for each assessment in a course. Items copied from other courses will keep their grading schemas. 

Submissions Page – Sorting Controls 

For a more efficient grade review experience, instructors can now sort students by grade in the Submissions page to identify student submissions at a grade boundary. This option is available in case any necessary changes need to be made before posting grades. 

Gradable Items View Improvements 

  • Instructors can now sort the records of any column (e.g. by grading status) to find information more easily.
  • Clicking on the assessment name now takes instructors to the selected assessment. 
  • Selecting '# to grade’ navigates to a Needs Grading filtered Submissions page for quicker entry into the grading process. 
  • The Post column provides status information for an assessment and simplifies the action to post all grades for the assessment. 

Discussion Navigation Improvements 

The Discussions menu now includes three tabs: Discussion, Student Activity, and Grading & Participation (appears only when the discussion is marked for grading). 

Deactivated Students Excluded in Student Progress Reports 

The Student Progress Report now excludes students who have been deactivated (i.e. students who are no longer in the course). The number of students in this report should match the number of students actively taking the course. 

Student Overview – New Access Points 

Instructors can now access the Student Overview page from 3 locations: Roster, Messages, and Discussions. Instructors can still access this page by selecting a student in the Gradebook.


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