Ontario Government to Permit Colleges to offer Bachelor Nursing Degree Programs Independently

To the Humber community,

Earlier today, The Hon. Ross Romano, Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities announced that the provincial government has decided to provide Ontario colleges with the opportunity to offer nursing degrees independently. This is good news for students and for Humber, and we welcome the decision.

The opportunity to offer a standalone nursing degree has been a top advocacy priority of the college for some time. We have engaged in many conversations with government to highlight the benefit of this decision for students and for the health care sector in the province.

Humber has a long history of delivering high-quality nursing education and training health care providers. For almost 20 years, we have had a successful partnership with the University of New Brunswick (UNB) that has enabled us to offer Ontario’s largest collaborative undergraduate nursing program at our North Campus. We have long had a shared understanding that Humber's goal was to offer this program on our own. While we explore this new opportunity to do so, our focus will continue to be on ensuring all Humber-UNB nursing students are prepared for successful careers in the health sector and beyond.

We have the greatest respect for UNB. Our partnership with them is important, as it has supported the development of our internal capacity to deliver a nursing program. We will look for new ways to collaborate and partner with UNB.

We will keep the Humber community updated as we learn more about what will be involved with offering our own Humber nursing undergraduate program. Please contact Jenna Donelson at jenna.donelson@humber.ca if you have any questions.