Open Educational Resources: Workshops, Panels & Presentations

Open Educational Resources: Workshops, Panels & Presentations during Open Education Week

As part of International Open Education Week (March 6 to 10), practitioners from across the Ontario College system will be offering a series of workshops, panels, and presentations on Open Educational Resources (OERs). OERs provide faculty with more flexibility to copy, distribute, and adapt course materials that can be accessed by students at zero cost. OERs come with some form of open licensing, or they are no longer copyright protected.  

The Ontario college OER sessions will provide opportunities to learn about creating, adapting, and sharing freely available course materials such as textbooks, lecture notes, syllabi, assignments, and tests. Sessions include: 

  • An introduction to finding and assessing OER materials for potential adoption or adaptation 
  • An OER learning sprint consisting of micro-challenges where you can learn more about OERs and how you can leverage them in your courses 
  • How to use the tools found in the H5P and Pressbooks platforms to create AODA-compliant content 
  • Pre-Health Sciences Professors discussing their work on creating a zero-cost textbook 
  • A faculty panel discussing how OERs can reduce barriers for student learning and promote equity and inclusion
  • A discussion of Maamwi, a collaborative effort across colleges and across college departments to create a portal of open learning resources reflective of Indigenous histories, cultures, and worldviews in the regions of the 24 Ontario colleges

For more details on the sessions and to register visit OE Week 2023. Learn more about OERs via the Library website