An Important Message from Information Technology Services
Subject: Ordering of Service Assets
Year-end is fast approaching. Have you ordered all the services assets (computers, laptops, etc.) you planned to purchase this fiscal? If not, there is still time. The deadline to issue a Purchase Order this fiscal is December 31st (Dell) January 31st.
- Dell Inc. is experiencing a shortage on Intel Processors. The deadline to issue a Purchase Order this fiscal is December 31st to mitigate the longer leadtime.
- In order for an item to be purchased out of this year’s fiscal budget (2019/2020), it must be received in full by year-end (March 31st).
Ready to order? The requisition process (needs recognition, budget approvals, etc.) often takes days. Please contact Humber’s Request Fulfillment Coordinator without delay.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Arthur Serwaczak, Manager of Technology Support, at x4738 before the January 31st deadline.