ORI Article: Faculty Rock Star: Phil Fung

Mother Earth keeps on giving, providing all living beings with efficient and vibrant ecosystems. Over 3.8 billion years of resiliency, adaptation, endurance and an unparalleled capacity to bounce back from calamity–it is something to aspire to–it is an ecosystem that we need to protect and give back to.

Nature! Taking a mindful walk in a garden or by the lake, swimming in the expansiveness of our oceans and seas, listening to the sounds of nature, walking our pets, singing around a bonfire, and the laughter of children playing brings about a healing sense of ease and weightlessness. We are assured you can relate to that feeling. On a long hard day, have you not found solace connecting with plants and animals?

At Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation (ORI), we are constantly looking for ways to direct the impacts of research and innovation where it is most needed. Biophilia, not a new term, has come up more and more in our discussions lately. We had the opportunity to talk to Humber’s Biophilic Expert, Professor Phil Fung, at length about his urgent appeal to focus on bio-inspired and regenerative design. View the full article, "Faculty Rock Star: Phil Fung.”