Queen’s Funeral Day

Hello Humber community,

Earlier this week, the Government of Canada declared Monday September 19th as a national holiday for federal government employees to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Government of Ontario has decided against a statutory holiday. Instead, Premier Ford said Ontario will mark September 19 as a provincial day of mourning and that Ontarians may observe a moment of silence at 1 p.m. on that day.

On Monday, Humber classes, work and operations will continue as regularly scheduled. The college will be observing a moment of silence at 1 p.m. and invite all members of the Humber community to join in silent reflection, if they choose. Managers and faculty members who are teaching during that time are asked to provide the opportunity for employees and students to participate in the moment of silence. An announcement will be made across Humber’s public address system to note the beginning and end of the moment of silence.