Raise Funds for Humber Student Scholarships

Please donate today to help Farzad reach $10,000 for FAST student scholarships. 

Please note that August 31 will be the last day to donate.

Farzad has officially completed the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage and raised over $9,500! Upon arrival at Santiago de Compostela, after 30 days of walking more than 900 km across Spain, Farzad said, “It is good to have an End to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the End.” – Hemingway.

To check out some of the pictures Farzad shared along his journey click here.

In support of Farzad’s journey and fundraising success the FAST Associate Deans, Carl Oliver, Shaun Ghafari and Jonathan Kim will be walking for a second time on Friday, August 23 from North Campus to Lakeshore Campus to raise funds for Humber student scholarships.

Click here to see pictures from their last walk from North to Lakeshore and follow along tomorrow.