Dear Employees,
We hope you are having a successful start to your semester. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Humber and to your students and colleagues during these challenging times. With Fall Reading Week approaching (October 26-30, inclusive), we wanted to share a communication being sent to students, and to remind you about the health and safety measures that everyone must follow when returning to campus after Reading Week.
Though there are no classes during Reading Week, services to support students’ academic and personal success will continue to be available. Please visit the student services update page for more information.
Humber Fitness Centres will be open as follows: North Campus, Monday to Friday at 1pm and 3pm; Lakeshore Campus, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Please note that during Reading Week, student entry at North Campus will be restricted to the LRC main doors and through Building A (to coincide with Fitness Centre hours). For Lakeshore, all buildings will be closed, except for the Fitness Centre, as noted below. Student access to any building during Reading Week must be made in advance with Public Safety at 416.675.8500. Employees should continue to use their identification cards for building entry as needed.
If you are traveling outside of the province or country during Reading Week, please ensure you are aware of medical/travel insurance requirements along with local travel health and safety measures, including the need to quarantine, where applicable. The Government of Canada continues to advise all Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of the country. Anyone returning to Canada is required to self-isolate for 14 days. More information is available here.
The health and safety of students and employees is Humber’s top priority. As a reminder, for anyone who will be on campus during or after Reading Week, please ensure you continue to follow the safety measures in place before coming onto campus.
It is important to remember that if you feel sick, please stay home. If you think you might have COVID-19, or if you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, contact COVID reporting at or 416.675.5007. The email and phone line are confidential, and any personal information shared will be kept confidential. Alternatively, contact Telehealth Ontario at 1.866.797.0000.
We wish you a safe Reading Week and a successful rest of the semester. Please continue to visit HROE COVID-19 Resources for Employees along with the Return to Campus and Updates web pages for FAQs and more information.