Revised Employment Equity Self-Identification Questionnaire

February 27, 2012

Humber College has a rich, dynamic and diverse community of students and employees. In compliance with the Employment Equity Act (1995), HR Services works to advance equity in all its employment systems, including recruitment, hiring, retention and promotion. To assist us in having a fuller picture of all our employees, I invite you to complete the voluntary employment equity questionnaire.

Employment Equity Questionnaire
The Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary and designed in an anonymous manner, enabling us to work towards meeting our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. The survey is now available online on the HR Services website:

What is Employment Equity?
Employment Equity is the term developed by Judge Rosalie Silberman Abella, Commissioner of the Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (1984), to describe a distinct Canadian process for achieving equality in all aspects of employment and to remove barriers to employment for Aboriginal Persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities/racialized persons and women. Humber includes a
question on sexual orientation as part of its overall equity program.

How do I complete and return the Employment Equity Questionnaire?
Completion of the questionnaire is voluntary. All employees with a Humber email address will receive an invite to complete the questionnaire online. Should you prefer to complete a paper form of the questionnaire you may download the document in PDF format. The PDF is a fillable form that you can print and return in a sealed envelope to:

Human Rights & Diversity | HR Services,
Building B, 3rd Floor
205 Humber College Blvd
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7

Confidentiality and Reporting
Humber is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. Humber’s Privacy & Security Statement can be access through this link and it explains the current practices employed at our websites and is based upon the principles covered in Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA") as well as Ontario's
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA").
The information you provide on the questionnaire is stored in a strictly confidential Human Resources database. The information is presented in summary form with no personal identifiable markers except for your employee number, which is required by the Legislation. The information provided will be used to assist Humber in its initiatives to increase diversity throughout the college.

Please join me in building a stronger more inclusive and diverse Humber.


Deb McCarthy

This document is available in alternate format upon request