Shane Bentham, Manager, Testing and Integrated Services

Testng and Integrated Services is pleased to announce that Shane Bentham is the successful candidate for the role of Manager, Testing and Integrated Services.

Shane joined Humber Testing Services a little over a year ago as the Coordinator, Accommodated Testing. In this capacity, Shane was responsible for accommodated testing and supporting Testing Services' operations at all of our campuses.

As a graduate from York University in Political Science and Sociology with a certificate in Adult Education and Staff Training from Seneca College, Shane has more than nine years of contributing to students success in the postsecondary environment, with five of those years specifically in testing services.

While at Humber, Shane has worked closely with Accessible Learning Services as well with our Guelph-Humber partners. 

Shane playes an integral role on the Academice Integrity Committee, participating in the first semester students' We Pledge ceremony promoting academic integrity thoughout the Faculty of Health Sciences. Shane continues as mentor and ally with the BASE program facilitating their Kings Gathering workshops, helping to foster inclusion and equity among young black students around the college and broadening the reach and success of the program.

Please join me in welcoming Shane in his new role as Manager, Testing and Integrated Services 


Desta McCalla
Associate Director, Accessible Learning Services