Staff Lounge Weekly Lunch Menu

The Staff Lounge is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Lunch is available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Monday, March 20

Mediterranean chicken
Baked pasta with vegetables
Fluffy rice, steamed vegetables and salad

Tuesday, March 21

Meat lasagna
Vegetable lasagna
Garlic bread, vegetables and salad

Wednesday, March 22

Chicken shawarma
Meatless chicken shawarma
Rice, vegetables and salad

Thursday, March 23 

Spinach and mint barbecued chicken
South Indian beans and cauliflower curry
Rice, vegetables and salad

Friday, March 24

Fish and chips (sole)
Perogies and onion bake
French fries and salad