Survey for LGBTQ+ Related Resources & Tools for Humber Faculty

A capstone project is being undertaken to understand the current processes, and tools that are accessible to support knowledge and resource sharing for faculty, departments, and other stakeholders of LGBTQ+ education. This project is a partnership between The LGBTQ+ Resource Centre and The Bachelor of Community Development Program at Humber College. The study has approval from Humber’s Research Ethics Board.

We are asking faculty to share their experience in accessing LGBTQ+ resources through this online survey. The scope of the survey will include questions on but not limited to: available resources, the current process in place to access information or resources, and awareness and practice of LGBTQ+ inclusion. 

Faculty will be able to participate anonymously and can opt out at any time. Individual responses will be kept confidential with results being reported as an aggregate. Folks who complete the full survey and choose to provide their email address will be entered in a draw for a $100 gift card and will support Flamingo Market a Toronto founded shop supporting LGBTQ+ artists and entrepreneurs across Canada. 

Your feedback is important and we hope you will consider participating. It will take approximately 30 minutes. Please click this link to access the survey:

For any questions, please reach out to Luc Blanchard (Principal Investigator), or Matthew Travill (Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Coordinator- LGBTQ+ Resource Centres).