Take the Implicit Bias Test

In less than 10 minutes, you can take a test and change how you see yourself in the world.  

Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit bias and social cognition: our thoughts and feelings outside of our conscious awareness and control that lead us to act in certain ways – which are often detrimental to others. They seek to educate the public about our hidden prejudices.

Wondering which ones you carry? Select a potential area of bias here and take the 10-minute test. You don’t need to disclose who you are, but you might learn more about who you are.

Want to further identify, unpack and address your implicit biases with others and learn more about why it’s important?

Attend the workshop: Be the change you want to see: Co-creating a racially inclusive Humber.

Join Kathy Obear on October 26, a leader in helping to establish socially just environments, to learn more about white supremacy and how it is upheld in our institutions and ourselves, and the role white people can play in driving Humber towards racial inclusion and decolonization.

Register here

Kindly contact Lisa Salem-Wiseman or Regan Mancini for any questions about this post or the workshop.