Teaching & Learning Support on Demand

Happy back to school season! This fall, the teaching and learning team are piloting new ways to provide resources and support for faculty. Along with our certificate programs, we have three modes of support this fall:

  1. On-demand modules: Check out our menu of 'by-request' training modules. These are face-to-face interactive sessions for groups of three or more faculty, that are booked and delivered on your schedule. Can't find a module you would love to see? Let us know! We're adding new modules to the menu all of the time. Have an idea for a module you'd like to co-construct and deliver with us? Contact Falisha Rowe (falisha.rowe@humber.ca) to set up a conversation.
  2. Workshops: Love the regularly scheduled 'just-in-time' training options? Want to build up your teaching toolkit with the latest educational technology? Check out the calendar of sessions for Fall 2019. New sessions will be added regularly.
  3. One-on-one consultation: Would you prefer to have a conversation one-on-one? Check out our team descriptions and find the right person to provide the answers you need.

For more information and to sign up or book a session, visit humber.ca/teachingandlearning

We wish the Humber community a happy and successful back to school season. Here's to continued teaching innovation and excellence!