Thank You for Supporting Our Annual Toy Drive

On behalf of the Department of Public Safety, we would like to thank the Humber community for generously supporting our annual Holiday Toy Drive. Because of your generous support, many children from the local area will receive a toy Christmas morning when they otherwise may not have. In addition to toy donations collected at the Humber Staff and Faculty Holiday Party, toys collected after the event were picked up by Toronto Police's 23 Division and Toronto Fire who will ensure that they get distributed to children in need in time for Christmas.

Special thanks to the entire Public Safety team, especially to Cassandra Dias for organizing the drive at each campus. A big thank you to our friends from the Academic Division, ITS and Marketing and Communications for their generous support in helping collect heaps of toys to add to the donation bins. We really appreciate all the support from the Humber community. This year has been our best toy drive collection to date with 100’s of toys being donated. A total of 32 bags of toys were turned over to Toronto Police and Toronto Fire.

We look forward to doing it all again next year!

The Department of Public Safety wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.


Rob Kilfoyle, CPP
Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management