
April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015

April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015

To ensure we are organized and ready to service the 4000+ students we see during Humber and Guelph Humber finals, we find it helpful to have exams submitted to the Test Centre no less than 2 business days prior to the student test.  As a result, we encourage exams to be submitted to the Test Centre on the following days:

Faculty Exam Submission:

Student Testing Dates:

Wednesday April 1, 2015

April 6 – 11, 2015

Thursday April 9, 2015

April 13 – 17, 2015

Thursday April 16, 2015

April 20 – 25,  2015

Thursday April 23, 2015

April 27 – May 2, 2015

We have recently revamped the Test Centre website with faculty specific content, I encourage all faculty to visit to get more information on our services.  Our current hours of operation can be found at the bottom of all pages.

A few more helpful links:

Thank you for your time and cooperation!

April 7, 2015

The Office of the Senior Vice President, Academic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Heidi Marsh as the Director, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL).

The Director, SoTL will establish Humber College as a leader in the emerging movement of scholarly inquiry into teaching and learning processes. Under the direction of the Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, Dr. Marsh will provide cross-college leadership in advancing and advocating for activities related to SoTL. Such activities will include: identification of questions related to student learning; rigorous, systematic and evidence-based study of student learning; research and peer-review of the results; and communication of the findings, broadly, to provide insights to other educators across the system. The Director will also be responsible for managing a peer-reviewed academic journal at Humber for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Dr. Heidi Marsh has spent the past decade researching and teaching on the topic of cognitive and metacognitive abilities in children and non-human primates. She received her B.Sc.H. from Queen’s University, and completed her M.A. and Ph.D. at York University, studying information management. Heidi has held teaching positions at Bucknell University (in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania), York University and Western University, teaching a variety of psychology and statistics courses, and continuing her research on metacognitive abilities. More recently, Dr. Marsh was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Western Ontario, studying metacognitive information gathering behaviour in children and rodents.

Dr. Marsh’s research has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Comparative Psychology, Perception, and Animal Cognition, and has been presented at several national and international conferences across Canada and the United States. She has also co-authored two book chapters, and is currently a guest-editor for a special issue of the journal Infant Behavior and Development. Her research has been recognized both at the institutional level, including York University’s top Dissertation Prize, and at the national level, receiving the Canadian Psychological Association’s Certificate of Academic Excellence. Her work has also garnered funding from both provincial and federal governments, including an NSERC Post-doctoral Fellowship, for which she was rated second overall in the Psychology Division. Dr. Marsh’s research has been featured in several media outlets, including an interview on CBC Radio’s national science program Quirks and Quarks. Heidi is also a passionate educator, and has embraced innovation and scholarship in her teaching, both as an instructor and as a coach and mentor for her academic colleagues.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Heidi Marsh. 

Eileen De Courcy
Associate Vice President, Teaching & Learning

April 6, 2015
April 6, 2015


Role of College Council
College Council is the collective voice of the College in that it is an assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators who suggest directions in which the College should proceed. College Council advises the President on those College issues which it considers to be long and short-term priorities as identified in Humber’s Strategic Plan.

As of 2013, Humber’s Strategic priorities follow three themes:
  • Strengthening our Polytechnic Identity
  • Sustained Focus on Teaching and Learning Excellence
  • Maximizing the impact of Partnerships
The Council advises the President of the College in matters affecting academic policy, planning, and practice, including, the successful implementation of Humber’s Strategic Plan initiatives.

While it is recognized that the Board of Governors alone can make policy, the Council makes recommendations that may ultimately become policy. If the recommendations the Council makes are not accepted by the President of the College, he or she will be expected to explain his or her reasons. College policy or business items ultimately proceeding to the College's Board of Governors may appear at College Council at the discretion of the President before final disposition at the Board of Governors.


Who Can Be on College Council?
College Council is comprised of elected representatives from academic, support and administrative employee groups. The Humber Student Federation appoints student representation.

Representatives Responsibilities on the Council
College Council meets once per month on Thursdays, September to May, from 4 tp.m. to 8 p.m. In the first week of June of each year, a two-day planning meeting and annual workshop is held. It is the representative’s responsibility to represent their constituents by attending meetings and contributing to the discussions, and bringing back information from College Council meetings to their constituents. Members of Council can have the opportunity to become more involved through sub-committee membership.

The Nomination Process
Every potential candidate for College Council must be nominated by TWO constituents in their area. The signed nomination form must then be forwarded to the Vice Chair of College Council, Nancey Adamson, HR Services. Once nominations are closed, potential candidates will be contacted with further information about the election process. If you require further information, please contact Nancey Adamson, ext. 5540.



For more details and to download the nomination form, click here.
April 6, 2015
April 6, 2015

TenThousandCoffees is an online platform designed to democratize opportunity and inspire young professionals to take control of their personal career development. By signing up with the link provided, You Will.... Help Unlock the Humber Hub - Connecting you with fellow Humber Students, Faculty and Alumni...AND make yourself visible to employees looking for Humber Grads. We are in High Demand! 

Sign-Up and wait for your invitation to start meeting like-minded professionals and inspiring industry leaders.

Click here

April 1, 2015
April 1, 2015

Humber’s migration from FirstClass to Exchange concluded June 2013. And as discussed during the cutover, FirstClass will be shut down this year. 

Information Technology Services will be permanently shutting down FirstClass, Humber’s legacy e-mail and calendaring tool, on September 30th.

If you have not already done so, please retrieve any FirstClass data you wish to keep. Once shut down, data on FirstClass will not be accessible.

Note that, due to the proprietary nature of FirstClass, data (contacts, email, etc.) must be migrated manually; there is no reliable migration tool.

Please use the remaining six months to move any FirstClass data you wish to keep. FirstClass will be forever shut down September 30, 2015.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at X5290. 

April 1, 2015
April 1, 2015

On March 26, 2015, The Business School Placement Centre hosted a personal branding workshop that provided students with the strategies to effectively market themselves and secure their dream jobs.

The vibrant guest speaker was Nellie Vieira, Founder and President of Forrest & Associates. Ms. Vieira is a certified professional coach who provides communication, branding and negotiation workshops to prominent industry leaders. With over 20 years of experience in conducting these workshops, Ms. Vieira gave a very powerful and motivating presentation to a room of eager students. At the end of her presentation, Ms. Vieira was greeted with a lineup of students seeking her advice and expertise in personal branding.

The workshop focused on how to establish your personal brand, and how to let that brand come through in an interview. Students were engaged throughout the presentation and were able to ask questions and participate in a discussion to understand how to use personal branding when meeting with potential employers. 

April 1, 2015

After 14 years of outstanding service and dedication to the Humber community, Deb McCarthy, Vice President Human Resources has decided to retire and enjoy her other passions in life.  Joining Humber in 2001 after a successful career in the private sector, Deb brought her talents as human resources professional to Humber as well as the Ontario college system through her leadership on provincial committees and initiatives.  

As Director of Human Resources and then Associate Vice President, Deb’s contributions to Humber were numerous, including the establishment of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity and two successful presidential searches. Appointed Vice President Human Resources in April 2013, she has led the development of many significant policies and initiatives that have contributed directly to Humber’s recognition as an employer of choice through several awards.

As an enthusiastic supporter of our people and students, Deb has been a tremendous role model for the values of our caring community, ever present at special events and functions, and always making time to check in with staff.

The search process will begin immediately with Deb staying on until her successor is in place.

Please join me in thanking Deb for her service to Humber and wishing her every happiness for the future.

Chris Whitaker
President & CEO

March 31, 2015
March 31, 2015

Humber College is committed to ensuring that principles of equity and diversity are instilled as values throughout Humber’s inclusive culture. Under Humber's Human Rights Policy, Gender Diversity Policy and the Ontario Human Rights Code, all members of the Humber Community are protected from discrimination and harassment in several areas including goods, services and facilities. Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy specifically outlines washroom use stating: “The College will make all efforts to ensure that members of the Humber Community can use washrooms with safety, privacy and dignity, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression. All members of the Humber Community may choose to use any accessible all-gender washroom, regardless of their reason(s) for doing so.” (

Aren’t washrooms designated for use by women or men only?
It is common for washrooms to be gender-segregated, that is deemed for exclusive use by females or males only. These washrooms though are not accessible to all members of society as many people do not identify as either male or female. It is often thought that individuals are born either male or female based on their genitalia at birth; however, there is a distinction between sex and gender. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women. For example, genitals are the most recognised characteristic of sex. In contrast, “gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that society assigns to men and women”.(*1) Self-identification is the sole measure of a person’s gender. For individuals who do not identify as either “male” or “female” or those who do not express their gender in stereotypically “masculine” or “feminine” ways, finding an accessible washroom can be extremely difficult.

What is an All-Gender Washroom?
An all-gender washroom is a single-stall, lockable washroom available to people of all genders. Allgender washrooms provide access to a secure and private facility for all members of the Humber Community including those who are trans*, people with disabilities who require an attendant, and parents of children of the opposite gender. All-gender washrooms are identifiable by their visible signage (pictured below).

Why is it important to have All-Gender Washrooms at Humber?
Having access to a secure washroom is a basic right for all people. Washrooms that are gendersegregated are frequent sites of discrimination and harassment for many members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Two-Spirited, Queer, Questioning, Intersex (LGBTTQQI) community. For example, a woman who is labelled as “masculine-looking” using the women’s washroom may be subject to harassment ranging from insults and threats to violence. The same holds true for a man who is labelled as “feminine-looking” or a trans* person who uses the men’s washroom. All-gender washrooms provide a secure space for all members of the Humber Community. In addition to providing a private space for members of the LGBTTQQI Community, all-gender washrooms are accessible to care providers of children of the opposite gender who may need to accompany their child to the washroom. Similarly, these washrooms offer people with disabilities the option to have attendants of the opposite gender access a secure, all-gender space to provide support for the person with a disability.

Where are the locations of the All-Gender Washrooms at Humber? 
Humber currently has several all-gender, single stall washrooms on its campuses. The locations of the washrooms are outlined below:

Humber’s campus maps identifying the locations of the all-gender washrooms can be found on Humber's website at the locations listed below:

(*1) Gender, Women and Health. World Health Organization/

This document is available in alternate formats upon request
