
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013

 Send submissions to:

Brianna Sadler

March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013

The application deadline for any Humber organization or Student group to present an exhibition or event at the L space Gallery for the 2013/2014 fall and winter semestershas been extended until April 30, 2013.

Please fill out the submission form and if you have any questions contact Gallery Curator Ashley Watson


 ELIGIBILITY: Humber programs and Humber student groups that have an academic advisor are eligible to apply. Examples of this are creative photography, Ad Week exhibition, etc. Community organizations are also eligible and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

SCHEDULE: Exhibitions are scheduled for various intervals depending on the demand for the space. Exhibition periods can range from one week to four weeks. Exhibition periods may be adjusted during the review process and any modifications will be discussed with the main contact  identified on the booking form.

DEADLINE: The deadline for applications, for the fall and winter semesters, is April 30, 2013

PROCESS: The Gallery Space Committee reviews all applications and determines an exhibition schedule that reflects the L space’s mission and priorities. Applicants will be notified of the schedule by May 15, 2013.  

Click here for full terms and conditions

March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013

There are many items we are able to recycle and now with the help of Lions Clubs International we can recycle our old prescription eyeglasses as well. In co-ordination with Lions Clubs International, the Finance Green Team will be collecting eyeglasses for the entire month of April 2013 commencing on Earth Week,  April 1, 2013.

For more information, please contact:

Shailav Chokshi
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext 4506

March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013

Please join me in congratulating Dean Paula Gouveia who will be convocating this spring having completed all requirements for her doctoral program in the French Department at the University of Toronto. Paula’s thesis, titled –

La Théorie de la disposition rhétorique: sa formulation dans les textes classiques, sa réapparition dans les arts poétiques de la Renaissance française et son influence sur la composition des Sonnets pour Hélène (1578) de Pierre de Ronsard,

was supervised by Professor John McClelland. Professor McClelland is an especially well known authority in French literature and a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies. The external examiner, Professor Amy Graves from SUNY (Buffalo), is a University of Chicago School of Divinity Martin E. Marty Center Fellow and a former Fulbright Scholar at the Institut d'Histoire de la Réformation (Geneva).

Michael Hatton
Vice President, Academic


March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013

Academic Council met for the third time this semester on Thursday, March 14, 2013, at the North Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I’ll be reporting on the highlights of the monthly meetings. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly, at

Strategic Planning

Rick Embree and Ruth MacKay provided an update on the Strategic Planning process. The Strategic Planning Steering Committee has combined the data from the Strategic Planning Kick-Off Survey, the HSF Roundtable, the Student Success Roundtables, and the Industry Partners Roundtable, and has developed the Student Success Framework, which represents a synthesis of the input gathered during the early stages of the consultation process. The Student Success Framework identifies three high-level themes that have emerged from the process:

  1. Strengthening our Polytechnic Identity
  • Ensure an optimum program/credential mix within a strategic enrolment management framework
  • Lead the system in providing innovative pathways
  • Position Humber as a distinctive provider of postsecondary education
  1. Sustained Focus on Learning Excellence
  • Ensure an exceptional student experience
  • Leadership in innovative teaching and learning strategies
  • Live the values of a ‘learning organization’
  1. Maximizing the Impact of Partnerships
  • Ensure essential industry linkages
  • Build and maintain beneficial relationships with alumni
  • Creative connections with education and community partners

Members of Council had the opportunity to discuss these themes in small working groups and to provide our feedback. If you would like to learn more about the Student Success Framework and provide your feedback to the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, please visit and click on “Student Success Framework.”

Long-Term Capital Plan

Rani Dhaliwal, Carol Anderson, and Sanjay Puri updated members of Council on Humber’s 2012 Long Term Capital Plan. Currently, Humber’s capacity is at 61 square feet per full-time student, which is well below the provincial average of 97.9 square feet per fullt-time student. With anticipated enrollment growth, the current and projected space needs at the North Campus total 78,974 square feet, which includes labs, offices, classrooms, and student spaces. Planned projects at the North include the Learning Resource Commons, an academic building, and a lecture hall. In addition, to address parking needs, Humber is considering acquiring property at Highway 27 and Carrier Drive. With extended shuttle service, this property would serve both Carrier Drive and the North Campus.

At the Lakeshore Campus, there is a total space need of 159,960 square feet, including labs, classrooms, student services, library, athletics, offices, and an academic centre. To meet these needs, Humber plans to redevelop a number of nearby properties, and to acquire 24 acres of vacant land on Birmingham and 13th St., which would be used for parking as well as an academic building There are also plans to build a Welcome Centre, which would house Student Services, and a 5-storey academic building on the current site of Building A, which would provide space for labs, classrooms, and offices. In addition, renovations are planned for the library, athletics, and food services, and we are also exploring potential solutions to address the need for residence spaces and parking.

New Programs

In response to an identified labour market need for healthcare managers, The Business School will launch a new four-year degree: Bachelor of Commerce - Healthcare Management. As with Humber’s ten existing Bachelor of Commerce degrees, the first two years of the program will develop foundational knowledge in such areas as organizational behaviour, law, economics, finance, marketing, and operations. The last two years of the program will focus on the Canadian healthcare system and the specialized knowledge required to respond effectively to today's complex healthcare environment. The program includes one 14-week work placement. Although the degree will be offered by The Business School, the program was developed in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences, and the curriculum in the second and third years will be delivered by faculty from both schools. The program will be of interest to students who wish to move into entry-level administrative or management positions in the health sector or who are interested in analytical jobs in health policy.

Rick Embree spoke to members of Council about the process of developing proposals for new programs and gave Council an overview of programs that are currently under consideration for development. New programming is very important for Humber. When developing a new program, key considerations include the program’s fit with Humber’s strategic direction and within a school’s mandate, opportunities for field placements, required facilities and equipment, and the types of work opportunities available for graduates. Currently, Humber has several programs under consideration for development, including degrees, diplomas, advanced diplomas, certificates, and post-graduate certificates.

Enterprise Systems Project

Elaine Popp, Scott Briggs, and Sharon Kinasz provided Council with an update on the Enterprise Systems Project, beginning with a review of the project benefits, which include:

  • an increased ability to support student choice and mobility by improving the recognition of programs and courses on student transcripts
  • an opportunity to redesign our core academic and business procedures to better support students
  • a move to modern, integrated, industry-standard computer systems, which will allow us to build on new opportunities

A significant component of the project involves the implementation of the Banner Finance and Student Systems. “Banner” refers to a suite of different pieces of technology that allows students, faculty, and staff to access information. Components of the student system are currently in place, with more scheduled to be added between now and the beginning of August.

Faculty and staff will be provided with role-specific training, through both in-class and e-learning options. Employee groups will be notified by email when training is available and provided details on how to register. Drop-in sessions will also be offered.

The Enterprise Systems Project website provides a timeline for the implementation of the system, information about the system, frequently asked questions, training schedules, quick-reference guides, detailed guides, and e-learning modules. The site is updated frequently, so please check back regularly:

Humber Students’ Federation

Bhalinder Bedi, Ashley Martin, and Teresa Silva provided council with an update on recent HSF activities. February was Mental Health Awareness month, and HSF kicked off the month with a “Blue Monday” event on January 21, as part of an ongoing effort to destigmatize mental illness. Subsequent events included a Massage Day at the University of Guelph-Humber, and a De-Stress Day during which students at the North and Lakeshore Campuses were invited to escape the stress of midterms by relaxing in the Student Centre with pillows and blankets, while listening to tranquil music and eating healthy snacks.

In addition, HSF has partnered with Dr. Rummy Gill, Manager of Humber Counseling Services, to offer the Bounceback Award, which will be given to a Humber student overcoming mental illness. The recipient of the award receives $500, with an additional $500 donated to the mental health charity of their choosing. There were twenty applicants for the award.

HSF elections ran from March 11 – 15, 2013. The governance structure is in the process of being changed for increased transparency and accountability.



March 23, 2013
March 23, 2013


During this time, cities around the world will turn off their lights for one hour to show that it's possible to take action on global warming.

Did you know Earth Hour is the single, largest, symbolic mass participation event in the world?  Earth Hour started as a way to engage people to take action on climate change. People in 7,001 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories switch lights off for an hour to show their concern for the environment!

Here at Humber, we're asking students and staff to 'switch off' on March 23 at 8:30 p.m. On Humber campuses during Earth Hour, many lights will be turned off in our buildings and parking lots at North and Lakeshore Campuses, including Student Residences.  Earth Hour is about much more than saving energy for one hour, it's about changing our relationship with energy for the entire year.  Humber is continuously finding new ways to reduce our energy use.  Check out the Buildings and Grounds page under Topics to see what we've been up to!

As always, please make sure you turn lights, computers and equipment off when you leave on Friday.  We also invite your feedback on what else Humber can do to reduce energy use in our workplace. Send your ideas or questions to

More information about the global Earth Hour event can be found at

For more information, please contact:

Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829


March 21, 2013
March 21, 2013


For more information, please contact
Krista Holmes
416.675.6622 ext. 5721


March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013

We are pleased to announce that since Spring 2012 over 400 Humber employees have taken the two day course to become certified as Mental Health First Aiders! This engaging program continues to deliver meaningful and relevant content. See some comments from your colleagues below:

  • “Excellent. Needs to be mandatory training for all.”
  • “Fabulous course. Couldn’t possibly expect more in two days.”
  • “I’m really happy that Humber is committed through this type of workshop to create awareness and educate its people.”

Interested in taking this program? Our next course is being offered on Monday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 9 at the North Campus.

To register, please click here or contact Vicki DiGiovanni at  If these dates don’t work, there will be several more courses available through the Spring and Summer and registration will be available through Training and Development.

Keep your eyes open for further Communique announcements!

March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013

Seize the opportunities and join us!

Thank you to all of you who have already made a gift in response to the special letter from Chris Whitaker.  It’s not too late to join Chris and your colleagues and make a donation.  Click here to make a gift today.

Follow these easy steps:

  • Choose the school you would like to direct your gift to
  • Select student support or special initiatives
  • Include the amount you want to give and payment details
  • Return the form to LX101

Remember: the easiest and most convenient way to give is by making a payroll deduction.

All employee gifts received by March 31, 2013 will be entered into a draw to win a lunch with Chris!

Thank you for your generous support.

Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations
LX101 ~ 416.673.0152 ~


March 18, 2013
March 18, 2013

Humber's Looking For Student Models for upcoming publications.  Please share this poster and website link with your students.

Deadline: March 31, 2013



Click here to register.

