
April 4, 2013
April 4, 2013

Attention Faculty:

If you have students testing in the Test Centre or Disability Test Centre from Monday, April 15 through Friday, April 26, please submit your exams 48 hours prior to the exam date for processing. Your cooperation is much appreciated!

If you have any questions, please contact Leah Barclay, Coordinator, Test Services.

April 4, 2013
April 4, 2013

It's that time of year again when we're gathering content for Humber dialogue, the college's alumni & friends' magazine. Do you have an extraordinary grad success to share, a faculty accomplishment, a student achievement or an exciting story about what's happening at Humber? If so, it'd be great to hear from you.

Contact Debbie Krulicki by Friday, April 12 at or at ext. 5507. Thanks for being part of our alumni magazine!


April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013

As a service to the Humber and University of Guelph-Humber community, we are providing an online subscription to Student Health 101 for our students and their families. Student Health 101 is a monthly health and wellness magazine just for students and their families. Each issue contains valuable information that will help students make better decisions and can help them gain a better understanding of the health and wellness challenges that face them today.

The April student issue can be found online at:

The April issue of The Parent Perspective can be found online at:

For those of you who interacting and communicating with students and their families, please pass along this information.

You are also invited to read the issue as it contains a lot of great information on a variety of topics for students.

If you have any questions or concerns about the magazine, please feel free to contact either Dayana Perez ( or Usha Rajpal (

P.S. You might recognize some familiar faces of students in the issue!

Happy reading!

April 2, 2013
April 2, 2013

 Reporting Workplace Injuries

All injuries which occur on Humber property, or occur during work-related off campus activities, must be reported to your supervisor and Health & Safety Services.


If you are injured during the course of your work, obtain medical attention through one of the following options:

a. Humber’s Health Centres, located in A107 (North) and H206 (Lakeshore), will provide first aid treatment as well as advise whether additional assessment and treatment should be obtained from a doctor or other health care provider.

b. If you require assistance outside of Health Centre hours, or if emergency medical services (EMS) are required, contact Security at one of the numbers listed below. Security guards are trained in first aid, and can also contact EMS if required.

  • 416-675-6622 ext. 4000 (for emergencies)
  • 416-675-8500 (for non-emergencies)

If EMS (911) has already been contacted, inform Security. Security is best equipped to direct EMS to the location on campus where they are needed.

c. Off-Campus Locations: If you are at a location where neither the Health Centre nor Security services are available, seek care from an outside provider such as a local urgent care clinic or family doctor. Obtain a doctor’s note and provide this to your supervisor. If EMS is required, call 911.


All injuries which occur on Humber property or during work-related activities off-campus must be reported to your supervisor and Health & Safety Services.

  • If you sustain a work-related injury, inform your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Once advised of an injury, Supervisors are to complete an Accident Reporting and Investigation Form and fax it to Health & Safety Services at: 416-675-4708 within 24 hours.
  • When notified of an injury, the Humber Health Centres and/or Humber Security will also complete reports which are sent to Health & Safety Services.
  • Health & Safety Services will, if necessary, report the injury to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).


It is important to maintain ongoing communication with your supervisor, Health & Safety Services, and if necessary the WSIB, during your recovery period. For injuries of a more serious nature, Health & Safety Services will work with you, your doctor and your supervisor to ensure a safe and timely return to work.

HR Services | Health & Safety Services

Health & Safety Services is responsible for managing WSIB claims and the Return to Work program at Humber. Questions regarding these programs can be directed to Humaira Pirooz: 416.675.6622 extension 4866 or




April 1, 2013
April 1, 2013

There are a lot of fun events in the works at the North, Lakeshore and Orangeville campuses for Earth Week to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. Take a look at the Calendar of Events and be sure to check something out!!

For more information, please contact:

Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829

March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013

The Student Success Framework identifies common themes that have emerged through the strategic planning consultation process to date. As part of Humber’s iterative consultation process, please take this opportunity to review the proposed Student Success Framework and let the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) know what you think.

Follow the Student Success Framework link on the Imagine Humber strategic planning website to view an interactive prezi, access a PDF of the document, and respond anonymously to the discussion questions. The SPSC will consider all feedback as it develops a first draft of the Strategic Plan, which will be shared with the community in advance of Town Hall Meetings in early May.

Check out the What We’re Hearing page for more information on our consultation process to date. As always, please share your thoughts any time with members of the SPSC or via the Imagine Humber website.


March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013

Humber College
Carol Anderson – New Role

As part of the Learning Resource Commons (LRC) project management and leadership, I am pleased to announce that Carol Anderson, Director of Facilities and Capital Development, will take on the role of Senior Director, Strategic Asset Management, focusing on overseeing the LRC construction as well as Humber’s future capital projects and integrated planning initiatives.

The upcoming LRC construction phases include:

  • LRC building and transit loop construction (summer 2013 - summer 2015) – includes all exterior and interior construction. The transit loop will be added as the LRC is completed.
  • Retrofitting of vacated space (2015-2016) – as departments/schools move into their new space, the vacated spaces will be transformed into classrooms, labs and offices.

In her role as Director of Facilities and Capital Development, Carol has overseen a number of new building development and construction projects at the North and Lakeshore Campuses, most recently including Lakeshore Commons, The Fashion Institute, Humber Arts & Media Studios, The Centre for Justice Leadership and the Centre for Trades and Technology. Other renovation and retrofit projects include the Centre for Health and Wellness, The Design Centre, the Student Concourse at the North Campus and the Medical Building classrooms and Play Therapy labs at Lakeshore.

Please join me in congratulating – and thanking – Carol for her leadership and contributions to Humber, especially as she takes on the largest campus development project in College history.

Updates and information about the LRC and its construction will be available at

Rani Dhaliwal
VP, Finance and Administrative Services

March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following list of multifaith holy days & festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.
Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for consideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4427

01 Monday
April = Namebine Giizis / Mmaal (Aboriginal)
Namebine Giizis is also known as the Sucker Moon in relation to the sucker fish. Mmal is the season when rivers open and canoes can be launched and travel on the rivers can resume.
Easter Monday (Christianity-Western)
The promise of new life is celebrated by Christians in reflection on the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion and death.
April Fools’ Day (International)
A folk day when people seek to play humourous pranks and jokes on each other, possibly related to earlier cultural feasts and festivals.

07 Sunday
Yom Ha Shoah (Judaism)
Holocaust Memorial Day commemorates the deaths of 6 million Jews under Nazism in World War II.

09 Tuesday
Jalal month begins (Baha’i)
Jalal, meaning Glory, is the second month of the Baha’i year.

10 Wednesday
New Moon

11 Thursday
Ugadi (Hinduism)
The beginning of the Hindu lunar calendar. Adherents bathe before dawn, decorate their outer doors and eat bitter and sweet foods to symbolize life.

14 Sunday
Vaisakhi (Hinduism)
Celebrates the first day of the solar year with an agricultural harvest festival. Important in North India, this holiday is named after the month Vaisakh.
Vaisakhi (Sikhism)
Commemorates the day in 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru, created the Khalsa Panth (Brotherhood of the Pure). Brothers are named Singh (lion) and sisters are named Kaur (princess).
Songkran to Apr 16 (Buddhism)
A 3 day festival denoting the new year for Buddhists. Homes are cleaned and water is sprinkled on statues of Buddha and on monks who visit.

20 Saturday
Ramanavami from Apr 12 (Hinduism)
Celebrates the birthday of Rama, seventh incarnation of the God Vishnu. Hindus read the Ramayana, a Hindu epic, which tells the story of Rama, during the previous eight days.

21 Sunday
Feast of Ridvan to May 02 (Baha’i)
Remembers the 12 days that Baha’u’llah spent in the garden of Ridvan during his exile in Baghdad and when he proclaimed himself as the one announced by the Bab. On the first, ninth and twelfth days, work is suspended.

22 Monday
Earth Day (International)
Celebrates the natural abundance of the Earth to promote care for the planet. Some plant trees and/or seeds to ensure new growth.

23 Tuesday
Mahavira Jayanti (Jainism)
Celebrates the birthday of Lord Mahavira (Great Hero) the 24th Tirthankara (and the last of his time cycle).

25 Thursday
Full Moon
Gathering of Nations Pow Wow to Apr 30 (Aboriginal)
In Albuquerque, New Mexico various tribes and nations participate, share, teach and exchange traditions with each other.

28 Saturday
Jamal month begins (Baha’i)
Jamal, meaning Beauty, is the third month of the Baha’i year.

30 Tuesday
Ghambar Maidyozarem to May 04(Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the sky and the harvesting of the winter crop.


March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013


The Test Centres will now accept Blackboard based exams by email.

What is required:

  • A valid Humber email address.
  • A completed Referral Form (see attached).
  • Referral forms must be received 48 hours prior to the exam date to be valid.
  • A secure password to access your exam through Blackboard.

Advise your students that they must make an appointment with theTest Centre at least two weeks prior to the testing date to ensure computer availability and the release of the exams.


  • No more paper copies.
  • No more misplaced exams.
  • Not necessary to deliver or pick up exams from the Test Centres as the student will be testing and submitting the exams online.
  • Exam security – exams are protected by Secure Browser.
  • Exams can be marked and graded online.
  • Control over exam deadlines – you will control what day and time your students will write.

Blackboard exams may be sent to the following email address: – Lakeshore Blackboard exams only – North, Carrier and Orangeville Blackboard exams only

Students requiring accommodated testing in B113

Blackboard exams for students who require accommodation should be sent to the Disability Test Centre email addresses listed below.

Any exams for students who require an electronic copy (assistive software) as part of their accommodation should be sent to these addresses as well:, ,or Please keep in mind that students who require a computer as part of their accommodation may not necessarily need an electronic copy. Please refer to the student’s booking form to determine whether an electronic copy is required (bottom left hand side of booking sheet). All exams must be submitted to the Disability Test Centres 48 hours prior to testing to be valid.

Should you require any assistance with Test Centre Blackboard procedures please contact Diana Jacobsen, Manager, Testing Services, ext. 4037 or Leah Barclay, Coordinator, Accommodated Testing, ext. 4674.

For assistance creating assessments on Blackboard please review the video link and the written instructions below, or contact “The Instructional Support Studio” ext. 4744 or Mark Ihnat, Director, eLearning, Centre for Teaching and Learning or call ext. 4752.

Click here for more information and detailed instructions. 

March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013

Humber College
Learning Resource Commons (LRC)

I’m pleased to provide the Humber community with an update about the Learning Resource Commons (LRC) – Humber’s soon-to-be new main entrance and the gateway to the North Campus.

Earlier this week, Humber, working with Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, selected PCL Constructors Canada Inc. to design, build and finance the LRC. The new facility will connect with buildings N, J and H, and will feature a courtyard between buildings N, J, and NX, and a link to the Student Centre.

The six-storey, 260,000 sq. ft. building will help Humber accommodate future growth by creating space for more than 2,200 new students. The LRC will be the new home to the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Student Success and Engagement, the Registrar’s Office, Student Recruitment, the International Centre, the library, the test, writing and math centres, other student services, and administrative offices. The main floor will be a student hub featuring a gallery and showcase.

Updates and news about the LRC including a construction schedule, traffic information and safety reminders will be available on Communiqué and at

The upcoming construction phases include:

  • LRC building and transit loop construction (summer 2013 – summer 2015) – includes all exterior and interior construction. The transit loop will be added as the LRC is completed.
  • Retrofitting of vacated space (2015-2016) – as departments/schools move into their new space, the vacated spaces will be transformed into classrooms, labs and offices.

Please note that LRC construction will bring changes to traffic flow, pedestrian walkways and entrances to the college. More information about the construction schedule will follow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, on behalf of the college, I’d like to thank you for your ongoing support as we upgrade our campus facilities, services and classrooms that will help us deliver on our promise to give students the college experience they expect from Humber.

Rani Dhaliwal
VP, Finance and Administrative Services

