
September 6, 2012
September 6, 2012

Staff Hockey Night at Humber is about to begin its 30+++ season. Games are played Wednesday nights, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m., from September 19 until April 24 at Etobicoke’s Centennial Arena (Rathburn and Highway 427). Post game media interviews and autographs occur every second week.

We have players from all areas of the college community: support staff, faculty and administration. Anyone who can skate and enjoys a game of hockey is welcome. (Previous experience in organized hockey is not a prerequisite) The season commences on September 19th at 5:00 pm. Rookies from the Humber Community are welcome as well as returning veterans. Scouts, from the Maple Leafs, have often been seen taking notes in the stands.

Interested players please show up at Centennial Arena on the 19 or any subsequent Wednesday. Per night cost is $20 or a season flat rate for 30 weeks of about $450 paid in two instalments.

Please contact Jim Watson at  416.675.6622 ext. 3278 for more information.


August 30, 2012
August 30, 2012

Hours of Operation

Day Hours
  Open Close
Monday 8:30 a.m. 6 p.m.
Tuesday 8:30 a.m.   6 p.m.  
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.   6 p.m.  
Thursday 8:30 a.m.   6 p.m.  
Friday 8:30 a.m.   4 p.m.


New this fall the Math Centre will be open the following Saturdays November 10, November 17 and November 24, December 1 and December( 8 from 12 noon - 4p.m. 

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can help students, and staff, in any course and material that Humber has to offer.

No appointment necessary, just drop and we'll be there to help you. Or just drop by and use it as a study space. 

Location: North Campus, Room GH203

This service is complimentary!

Fore more information, please contact us.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 6260
Chat live

August 30, 2012
August 30, 2012

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.
Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact theChaplain for cosideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4427

01 Saturday
Mdaamini Giizis (Aboriginal-Ojibwe)
Corn Moon.
Genuuqwiikw (Aboriginal-Other)
The season of mountain trails where the marmots and mountain goats are. The fall hunt for game begins.
First Parkash (Sikhism) commemorates the installation of the Adi Granth, the Sikh Scriptures’ first edition in the Golden Temple by the fifth
Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 CE.

03 Monday
Labour Day (Canada/USA)
A national holiday to celebrate the contribution of labour to society by working peoples.

08 Saturday
‘Izzat (Baha’i)
‘Izzat, meaning Might, is the tenth month of the Baha’i year.

12 Wednesday
Ghambar Paitishahem to Sep 16 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the earth and the harvesting of the summer crop.

16 Sunday
New Moon

17 Monday
Rosh Hashana to Sep 18 (Judaism)
Rosh Hashana is considered the anniversary of the creation of the world and begins at sundown on the previous day. It is the first of the Ten Days of Awe (or Repentance) ending with Yom Kippur and is celebrated with prayers and religious observances. Reform Jews celebrate for one day and others for two.

19 Wednesday
Ganesh Chaturthi (Hinduism)
Honours Ganesh, a major deity, the elephant-headed God known as the “remover of all obstacles” invoked at the beginning of new undertakings.

20 Thursday
Paryushana Parva to Sep 27 (Jainism)
The holiest period of the year for the Shvetambara sect, celebrated for 8 days and a time of dedication to Jain ideals through fasting, worship of the Jina and public reading of the life-story of Lord Mahavira from the Kalpastura.
Samvatsari (Jainism)
Dedicated to introspection, confession and Penance, especially for the Shvetambara sect.
Dashalakshani-Parva to Sep 29 (Jainism)
Celebrated by the Digambara sect and lasting ten days, each dedicated to a virtue: humility, honesty, unity, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-restraint, asceticism, study, celibacy and detachment.

22 Saturday
September (Fall) Equinox
Mabon / Harvest Home (Wicca)

Celebrates life’s encapsulation as a seed to survive the cold, barren winter and the Harvest of the Vine which, as wine, symbolizes the Goddess’ power to transform youth’s sweet nectar into old age wisdom and spiritual maturity.
Fall Ohigon (Buddhism)
Celebrates the September equinox and is of special importance to Japanese, Korean and Tibetan Buddhists.
Shuki-sorei-sai / Shubun-no-hi (Shinto)
Memorial services are held to honour ancestors with family gatherings and visits to graves.

26 Wednesday
Yom Kippur (Judaism)
The holiest day of the year in Judaism begins at sundown and is a day of fasting. To seek oneness with God, Jews ask forgiveness and forgive others. They then can confess their sins and ask God's forgiveness.

27 Thursday
Mashiyyat (Baha’i)
Mashiyyat, meaning Will, is the eleventh month of the Baha’i year.

29 Saturday
Ananta-chaturdasi (Jainism)
The Festival of Ten Virtues is the holiest day of Dashalakshani-parva for the Digambara sect.

30 Sunday
Full Moon
Pavarana (Buddhism)
Celebrated at the full moon at the end of the Rains Retreat, when Buddha intently practiced meditation.
Ksamavani (Jainism)
A day of universal forgiveness when Jains ask forgiveness of others for wrongs committed during the previous year and, likewise, forgive those who caused them suffering.


August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012

This past weekend, Annaleise became the youngest person to swim across Lake Ontario, raising approximately $115,000 for Camp Trillium, a camp for children with cancer.

The grueling swim saw Annaleise battling two-metre swells and 15-knot winds overnight, which, in the rueful words of Humber sailing instructor and lead support-boat skipper Paul Fagan, "slowed her progress to a crawl."

For more on this story, please visit Humber Today.


August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012

The Department of Public Safety has launched a new website! Please visit us online to check out all the new features. 


August 24, 2012

I am pleased to announce that Ms. Staci Lindsay will be joining the Financial Services and Planning department on Monday, August 27, 2012 as the Manager Accounts Payable/Receivable. Staci comes to us with extensive Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and managerial experience and she is looking forward to becoming an integral part of the Financial Services and Planning team. 

Please join me I welcoming Staci to the Humber family.

Sanjay Puri
Director, Financial Services and Planning


August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012

In the coming weeks you will notice new recycling and waste sorting bins in the hallways and open spaces throughout Humber.

Humber is dedicated to diverting as much material from the landfill as possible, but to be successful we need everyone to do their part!
We’ve invested in new bins and signage on our recycling and waste bins to make it as easy as possible for you to know where things go:

Red = Waste
Styrofoam, foil, food wrappers, plastic utensils

Blue = Recyclables, Plastic/Metal/Glass
EMPTY Pop cans, plastic and glass bottles, coffee cups (No liquid in here please!)

Yellow = Newspaper, magazines, note paper, cardboard
In food areas, notice there are Green organic bins. Scrape your food into those! It will be composted, and turned into soil.

For a longer comprehensive list of the type of material that can be put into each bin, and more on Humber’s sustainability actions, visit us online.

If you have ideas or comments on how to make Humber more sustainable, please contact us through the website.

Questions? Contact Humber’s Sustainability Manager, Lindsay Walker.
Phone: 416-675-6622 x5829


August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012

September 4 - September 8, 2012

Day Hours

Open Close
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8a.m. 9p.m.
Wednesday 8a.m. 9p.m.
Thursday 8a.m. 9p.m.
Friday 8a.m. 5p.m.
Saturday 8:30a.m. 2p.m.

September 10 - September 15, 2012 

Day Hours

Open Close
Monday 8 a.m.   9 p.m. 
Tuesday 8 a.m. 9 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. 9 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. 9 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. 2 p.m

September 17 Onwards - Regular Hours 

Day Hours

Open Close
Monday 8:30 a.m.  8:30 p.m. 
Tuesday 8:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. 2 p.m


August 22, 2012

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, HR Services is pleased to announce the appointment of David McCuaig as Humber’s Human Rights, Equity & Diversity Advisor effective August 13, 2012.

David has had a number of different roles in his career. Most recently, David was a Human Rights Case Advisor at York University. Prior to his engagement at York, he managed his own dispute resolution consulting business. David has served the Government of Ontario for fifteen years in numerous labour relations roles including; Human Resources Consultant, provincial mediator with the Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations Officer with the Labour Relations Board. David also served as the Executive Director of the provincial Aboriginal Education Council for five years.

David has a BA from Queen’s, a post graduate certificate from Seneca College and a number of advanced mediation training certificates. David is an active sports enthusiast and has been a lifelong fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs. In his new role, David will be reporting to Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights Equity & Diversity, HR Services.

Please join me in welcoming David to the Humber Community!  We look forward to your support and collaboration in our ongoing vision to provide an inclusive and equitable learning, working and living environment.

Nancy Simms, Director
Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity ensures that diversity and equity are instilled as values throughout Humber’s inclusive culture.


August 17, 2012

The School of Media Studies & Information Technology is pleased to announce that Heather Lowry is the successful candidate for the position of Associate Dean responsible for the New Media and I.T. cluster of programming.

Heather Lowry holds an MA in Education from Central Michigan University. In her role as coordinator, Heather has been responsible for achieving measurable targets while leading the quality of the student experience for over 300 students annually and the recruitment and development of 20–25 faculty. Additionally, she has been supporting students and mentoring faculty, along with developing industry connections leading to placements and jobs, curriculum development for diplomas and degrees, collaborative projects between programs, and student work for real-world clients through SMSIT’s Ad Centre.

Heather has coordinated the 2‐year Advertising & Graphic Design diploma since 2004; and established and simultaneously coordinated the 3‐year Graphic Design advanced diploma from 2004–2011. Responsibilities included recruiting, orienting, and advising students; designing and developing curriculum during a time of significant evolution in the world of media and technology; recruiting and developing faculty; scheduling; assessing student process and achievement; responding to industry demands; and executing program reviews.

Amongst other initiatives, Heather has chaired the Humber Showcase Committee, is the founding member of the executive board for the Earhart Project, a women’s peer advisory group that provides mentorship for women throughout their professional lives in both traditional and non-traditional careers, and is the founding member of the executive board for the Muay Thai Training Centres, Inc., a not‐for‐profit organization that provides traditional martial arts training and access to mentorship and leadership opportunities to Toronto’s at-risk youth population. She plays an active role in fundraising, advocating for at-risk youth, and mentoring students on life skills and potential avenues for post-secondary education.

Please join me in congratulating Heather on her most recent success!

Guillermo Acosta, Dean
School of Media Studies & I.T.

