
August 1, 2012
August 1, 2012

The College Employers Council and OPSEU, representing more than 10,000 college faculty in Ontario are currently in the midst of negotiating a new collective agreement. They have agreed to the services of a Ministry of Labour conciliator when talks resume on August 14, 2012. The faculty's contract expires on August 31, 2012.

There have been 10 days of bargaining thus far and there are another 11 days scheduled between now and the expiry of the Collective Agreement.

Staff, students and parents can be assured that Humber College is monitoring the situation and that contingency plans are being developed. In the meantime, both bargaining teams are committed to reaching a settlement by the Fall term.

Further updates with regard to academic staff bargaining will be provided as the process unfolds.

Other details of bargaining can be found at and

Deb McCarthy
Associate Vice-President, Human Resources

All information is posted online at and to the corporate email system under the "Bargaining News 2012" conference on your FirstClass Desktop.


August 1, 2012
August 1, 2012

Purchasing is pleased to announce that through a competitive bid process, with the assistance of volunteers from the various schools and departments, we have just awarded the new contract for promotional items and apparel. You can obtain your requirements from any of the four newly awarded vendors.

We have arranged for a trade show with these four new vendors in the concourse on Thursday, September 13, 2012, 9 a.m to 3 p.m, please mark your calendars and see the new products that may interest you.


  1. Add-Impact

  2. Contact Phone Number   Email Website
    Ramo Niceforo 905.850.2676 ext. 228
  3. Encore Premiums

  4. Contact
    Phone Number
    Ann Acarfo 416.762.2863
  5. The Marco Corp.

  6. Contact    Phone Number     Email Website
    Roseanne Murchie 519.751.227 ext. 411
    Marco Miller
  7. Staples Promotional

  8. Contact Phone Number Email Website
    Alex Ventura 905.565.5555 ext. 2227


August 1, 2012
August 1, 2012

After careful consideration, Humber College has decided to join other Canadian post-secondary institutions including York University, Queen’s University, University of Guelph, University of British Columbia and the University of New Brunswick and will not extend its licence agreement with the copyright collective, Access Copyright. The Academic Schools have worked with the Copyright Librarian to prepare for this change which will take effect September 1, 2012.

As an academic institution, we are committed to the sharing of knowledge, respect for intellectual property rights, appropriate payment to rights holders and the fair application of copyright law. Humber is choosing the option which best serves the fundamental and long-term interests of our academic community based on the following factors:

  • The legislative approval of the Copyright Modernization Act in June 2012 and recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions which support broader educational uses of copyrighted material.
  • Ready access to Humber’s extensive collection of licensed e-journals, e-books and databases through the Humber Library. Materials in the collection are funded on an annual basis and can be legally and appropriately accessed for teaching and learning.
  • The limited indemnity offered through the Access Copyright license since the license only permits limited copying of a work and only with respect to materials included in the Access Copyright repertoire.

Humber will continue to refine our policies and guidelines to support this transition. An explanation of fair dealing and how it supports the distribution of published works will be available mid-August. Details on appropriate copying under the concept of fair dealing will be available at > For Faculty > Copyright Issues.

If you have any questions regarding the appropriate use of print and digital materials, please contact library copyright staff at


July 31, 2012
July 31, 2012



Would like to remind everyone of our clinic services:

OsteopathyLydia Henry

Massage Therapy
North & Lakeshore Campus – Melanie Evens
Lakeshore Campus – Marian Moawad

BioPed Pedorthics
Ashley McFarlan

For more information about these services, to inquire about fees or to book an appointment, please call: 

416.675.6622 ext. 4025




July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012

Watch for our brand new show to hit screens this fall!

What to Expect?

  • New logo and streamlined layouts
  • Animated design elements
  • Dynamic segments including:
    • Live Humber Twitter integration
    • HSF Humberlife News
    • Entertainment News & World News
  • Multizone layouts for even more realtime and up to the minute news and weather infor
  • Full 1080p resolution for eye-popping visuals 

For more information, please contact: 

Drew Campbell
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5135



July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012

New Service Update!

Now you can watch Humber TV live on your desktop and mobile devices!

Visit: and click on the HTV link to get the latest in news, weather updates, varsity scores, event listings and more!

For more information, please contact: Drew Campbell
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5135

July 26, 2012
July 26, 2012

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.

Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for consideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.4427

01 Wednesday
Wiihoon (Aboriginal)
Wiihoon is the season of Sockeye salmon with big heads and noses. The important late summer salmon runs begin.
Kamal (Baha’i)
Kamal, meaning Perfection, is the eighth month of the Baha’i year.
Lugnasad / Lammas (Wicca)
Celebrates the grain harvest, the Harvest of First Fruits, which many traditions celebrate as the funeral of Lugh, the sun God, whose strength is visibly waning by late summer.

02 Thursday
Full Moon
Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)
Raksha Bandhan, meaning “Tying on Protection,” is a festival in which married and unmarried girls and women tie amulets on the wrists of their brothers for protection against evil.

06 Monday
Civic Holiday (Canada)
Most Canadian Territories and Provinces celebrates some aspect of their culture & history.
Transfiguration Day (Christianity-Eastern)
Commemorates the appearance of Jesus in a transfigured state during his earthly life to three of his disciples as narrated in the Gospels.

08 Wednesday
Fravardeghan / Muktad to Aug 17 (Zoroastrianism)
Memorializes ancestors in preparation for Nowruz (New Year) observed by those who follow the Shensai calendar.

10 Friday
Janmashtami (Hinduism)
Celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna and his survival of an early life threat.

14 Tuesday
Laylat-al-Qadr (Islam)
Commemorates the revealing of the Qu’ran to the prophet Muhammad in 610 CE.
Obon (Shinto)
The Festival / Feast of Souls (also called Lonesome Souls) commemorates departed ancestors through lighting lanterns, circular folk dances, plus the laying out of food and burning of money for the souls. Some also celebrate the day before and the day after. Tokyo commemorates this day in July.

15 Wednesday
Paryushana Parva to Sep 22 (Jainism)
The holiest period of the Year for the Shvetambara sect, celebrated for 8 days and a time of dedication to Jain ideals through fasting, worship of the Jina and public reading of the life-story of Lord Mahavira from the Kalpastura.
Assumption of Mary (Christianity-Eastern)
Refers to Mary’s death and ascent to heaven celebrated by Catholics.

17 Friday
New Moon

18 Saturday
Nowruz (Zoroastrianism)
New Year in the Shensai calendar.

19 Sunday
Eid-al-Fitr to Aug 21 (Islam)
The Breaking of the Fast is a 3-day feast to end Ramadan. Note: Some may celebrate starting Aug 18.

20 Monday
Asma (Baha’i)
Asma, meaning Names, is the ninth month of the Baha’i year.

22 Wednesday
Dharma Day (Buddhism)
Commemorates Buddha’s first discourse, “The Wheel of Truth,” following his enlightenment in Sarnath in northern India. Buddhist scriptures are read to show gratitude.

24 Friday
Birth of Zarathustra (Zoroastrianism)
Denotes the birth of Zoroaster, the founder and prophet of the Persian-based faith by the Shensai calendar.

31 Friday
Full Moon


July 24, 2012
July 24, 2012

Disability Services has overhauled their website to better serve the Humber Community. The websitecontains new information about our services, links to support students including a blog area where information will be delivered, special events listings, and contact information.The site also has a text only feature and can also be enlarged to assist those with disabilities to better access content on the site.

We look forward to continuing to enhance the site to meet the needs of Humber and broader community!

Joe Henry, Manager, Student Access


July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012


Day Hours
  Open Close
Monday 7 a.m. 8 p.m.
Tuesday 7 a.m.   8 p.m.  
Wednesday 7 a.m.   8 p.m.  
Thursday 7 a.m.   8 p.m.  
Friday 10 a.m.   6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m.  3 p.m.


July 19, 2012
July 19, 2012

Water pressure at North Campus and Carrier Drive has been restored. 
