
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Employment Equity is a program legislated by the Federal Employment Equity Act (1995) to remove barriers to employment for Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and women. Humber includes sexual orientation as part of its overall equity program, including Employment Equity. Your participation in completing the Employment Equity Questionnaire is important.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity invites all full-time, part-time, contract and sessional employees to complete the revised Employment Equity Questionnaire. The information that you provide in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identification. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation will allow us to identify where underrepresentation exist, and to target our efforts toward removing barriers that may exist in our employment systems.

Please take a few minutes to complete the confidential questionnaire.

To access the questionnaire:

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an accessible format, or have any questions about Employment Equity, please refer to the ‘Resources’ section of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity’s website, or contact Nancy Simms, Director Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at 416.675.6622 ext.4425.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services thanks you for your contribution in building a more inclusive Humber.


October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012

There are only a few more days left to sign up for the Payroll Savings Program!

Please note: the Organization ID is 12458, and purchase of Canada Savings Bonds is for full-time employees only. The deadline is November 1, 2012, and payroll deduction changes will take effect on December 14, 2012.

If you have any questions please visit or speak with either:

Elke Lee, Payroll Manager
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4333

Brenda Spottiswood, Payroll Supervisor
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4330


October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012

Under the AODA Customer Service Standard that was enacted in January 2010, Humber College is required to notify the public about the availability of information in alternate formats.

What does it mean to notify the public about the availability of information in alternate formats?

This means that Humber must inform the public that, upon request, the information it creates, sends, receives, and distributes will be provided in alternate formats.

How can your school or department inform the public that the information you distribute will be provided in alternate formats upon request?

You can do one, or all, of the following:

Include an accessibility footer on the information that your school or department creates and distributes. For example, the footer can state the following:

  • "This document is available in an alternate format upon request"
  • A message can be posted on your school or department’s website. Please see below for an example of a website message:
  • If you require any information on our website or any of the information that our school/department distributes in an alternate format, please contact: (include the name and contact information of a designated contact person)
  • A poster can be created indicating that alternate formats will be provided upon request and display the information in visible areas throughout your school or department.

What types of alternate formats might a person with a disability request?

Common alternate formats include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Electronic text, such as Word documents or PDF’s
  • Large Print in 16-20 point font or larger
  • Verbal explanation of a written document
  • Video Captioning, transcripts
  • Sign language interpretation

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005).

For more information on the AODA please visit us online or contact:

Jessica Bowen
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5685


October 22, 2012

I am pleased to announce that, following a national search, Eileen DeCourcy has been appointed to the position of Associate Vice President for Teaching and Learning.

Eileen’s career has included a variety of senior positions, primarily focused on training and development. Earlier in her career, as Director of the Simcoe County District School Board’s Centre for Training and Development, she was responsible for high school credit programming, adult and continuing education programs, military education contracts, as well as pre-apprenticeship programming. Later, Eileen managed client services for the Schulich School of Business Executive Education Centre, providing customized training solutions for a client base that included Purolator, AMEX and AECL. Following that, she was responsible for leadership development at Cara Operations, a premier Canada-wide food services organization with 40,000 employees.

Over the course of her career, Eileen has had many concrete successes, including: written proposals for and been awarded more than $5M in training contracts; developed and implemented highly successful “change programs” for at-risk students; created and executed innovative evidence-based learning paradigms; taught for six years as an adjunct professor in Brock University’s Bachelor of Education program; lectured on Curriculum Design for Executive Education at the Academy of National Economy, Moscow; presented on faculty engagement to League for Innovation members in San Diego; and completed certification in Leadership Development, NQI Framework of Excellence, Gallup’s StrengthFinder, and Situational Leadership. Eileen’s academic preparation includes undergraduate degrees from Guelph University as well as Brock University, and graduate completion at Central Michigan University.

Since joining Humber in 2009, Eileen has served as Director of Professional Development, with broad responsibilities for the support and development of full- and part-time faculty. During the past three years, she has developed strong and effective relationships across Humber’s Schools, significantly expanded the programs associated with the Centre for Teaching and Learning, and greatly increased faculty engagement in the expanded roster of professional development activities.

Key responsibilities of the Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning, include: faculty professional development initiatives; e-learning and the Open Learning Centre, including on-line learning development and delivery; institutional participation in teaching and learning conferences; college-level articulation arrangements along with transfer programs; student feedback initiatives; a visiting professor program; the development of Humber Press; and corporate oversight for Continuing Education. In addition, Eileen will work directly with the Dean of Research on applied research as this relates to teaching and teacher development; act as the key academic representative on student engagement and success activities, particularly where these involve national and international studies; and take the academic lead on major institutional partnerships working, where appropriate, with the Dean International. In this role Eileen will be responsible for ensuring Humber is recognized as a preeminent teaching and learning Institute.

Please join me in welcoming Eileen to her new role.

Michael Hatton
Vice President, Academic

October 18, 2012
October 18, 2012

October 15 – 19 is Waste Reduction Week (WRW) in Canada. This week is meant to engage and empower Canadians to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Reducing waste is one solution to the many environmental challenges we face: climate change, water pollution and preservation of natural resources. 

“Canadians produce more than 31 million tonnes of waste annually, that’s 2.7kgs per person per day

(Statistics Canada, Environment Account and Statistics Division)

That’s the same volume of waste being generated as piling up 31 million average family cars.

Of this amount, we divert less than 25 per cent from landfills.

This year for WRW, Humber College is participating in
“Recycle my Cell Challenge”

Recycle my Cell has issued a challenge to Canadian schools: collect as many old wireless devices and accessories as possible between October 15 and November 15, 2012. The school that collects the most will win $500 for their school to use for green initiatives!

What are we collecting? Any and all old and out-of-use cell phones, smartphones, wireless PDAs, pagers, as well as their batteries, chargers and accessories.

Where? You will find a collection box at the HSF offices on North and Lakeshore campuses
When? Between October 15 and November 15th, 2012
Who? The entire Humber community, students, staff, and all Campuses!
Why? Because Humber can make a difference for the environment!

Want more information? Check out:

Lindsay Walker, Sustainability Manager
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.5829


October 18, 2012
October 18, 2012

for the academic year
2013 - 2014
(Deadline for Submission: January 4, 2013)

Professional Development Leaves (Article 20) permit a limited number of academic employees to pursue College-approved academic, technical, industrial or other pursuits which will enhance the ability of the teacher, counsellor or librarian upon return to the College.

The College will notify Professional Development leave applicants by February 22, 2013 regarding the disposition of their applications.

In the event there are not enough approved applications for Professional Development Leave by February 22, 2013, the College will inform employees that additional applications will be considered if submitted by March 6, 2013 for the period September 2013 to August 2014.

Application Process
  1. Applications are made in the form of a letter that incorporates the required information (as outlined below), organized by section. You are advised to consult with your Department/School Head during the development of your proposal.
  2. Your Professional Development Leave Application must be submitted to your Dean or School Head not later than noon on January 4, 2013.
  3. If you require additional information, please contact your Dean.
Outline for Proposal
  1. Name, Program, Division/School.
  2. Identify start and end dates for the Leave.
  3. Describe the overall objectives of the Leave.
  4. Provide a plan of the activities which you will undertake to achieve these objectives and the measurable outcomes to be achieved.
  5. Identify how the objectives will benefit:
    • You, and how they will enhance your abilities upon return to the College;
    • Student learning.

    Examples of Pro Dev Leaves that have been approved over the past number of years include:

    • a graduate degree in a discipline related to the vocational field that enabled the faculty member to develop and/or teach a new course or courses at an advanced level;
    • a placement in industry, including specific training opportunities, in which the faculty member obtains an industry certification relevant to teaching responsibilities;
    • faculty expertise upgraded in professional software applications to prepare upper-level courses;
    • professional designation which enabled the faculty member to teach specialized subjects, i.e., C.F.P., C.H.R.P, C.M.A.;
    • faculty member completed a resource guide on careers and educational programs in their field including bibliographies and web sites for further reading and research.
    1. Identify the resources required from the college (if any).
    2. Identify the resources provided by the faculty member (if any).
    3. Identify whether there will be materials developed during the Leave and specify if these will or will not become the property of Humber College.
    4. List and describe any paid employment (if any) that will be undertaken during the leave period. Indicate the amount of time and remuneration associated with this employment.
    Please Note

    Your Professional Development Leave proposal application will be reviewed. Approved submissions will then be rank-ordered based on seniority, as required by the Collective Agreement. Should your plan of activities or outcomes change, you must submit a description of the change, in writing, to your Dean.


October 17, 2012
October 17, 2012

Academic Council Highlights

Academic Council met for the second time this semester on Thursday, October 11, 2012, at the Lakeshore Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I’ll be reporting on the highlights of the monthly meetings. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly, at

Academic News

Michael Hatton introduced representatives from four different Academic Schools to inform Council members about five new programs and one name change:

In response to recommendations from both external program reviewers and the program’s Advisory Committee, the Graduate Certificate Program in Fundraising and Volunteer Management, offered by the School of Media Studies and Information Technology, has been renamed Fundraising Management. The new name more accurately reflects the content of the program as it has evolved since its inception in 1999.

In order to meet the new requirements for practice under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, the School of Health Sciences will be offering the Funeral Pre-Planner Certificate and Transfer Service Sales Representative Certificate. As the only English speaking college in Ontario to deliver a funeral service education program, Humber is the educational institution of choice for the development and delivery of these certificates. The courses will be offered online, and students will complete a three-month internship with each certificate. Students who successfully complete the two certificates will qualify for advanced standing in Humber’s Funeral Services Diploma program.

The School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism will offer a two-year Baking and Pastry Arts Management Diploma, which will complement existing diplomas and add a new dimension to the existing culinary program. In the first year, students will take foundational courses in kitchen safety and sanitation, baking equipment usage, baking and pastry fundamentals, food costing, and dessert menu management. In the second year, students begin to apply these basic skills through in-depth training in baking and pastry arts. In addition, the program includes courses in business and career management, and entrepreneurship.

The Art Foundation Certificate, offered by the School of Media Studies and Information Technology is a one-year certificate, designed for students who do not have the prerequisite skills for admissions to arts and media programs at Humber. The program will act as a preparatory and complementary program for Humber’s existing diploma programs and will prepare students who require a portfolio of quality artistic pieces needed to further their education.

The School of Social and Community Services will offer a Bachelor of Behavioural Science degree, consisting of eight academic semesters and one 14-week work placement. The first two years of the program will provide students with a strong foundation in applied behavioural analysis, cognitive behavioural approaches, special populations, psychology, research methods, and ethics. The two senior years will include an in-depth study and application of the behavioural sciences. The degree will complement existing programs within the School and will provide the opportunity to meet the needs of the many graduates of related diploma programs within the School who currently must go elsewhere for degree completion.

Student Services

Jason Hunter, Jen McMillen, and Joe Henry gave a presentation on Trends and Practices in Services for Students with Disabilities. Although the numbers of students with disabilities at Humber are increasing – particularly of students with psychiatric disorders and Autism – overall, the story for students with disabilities is a positive one, as this means that more people who previously never thought postsecondary education was an option for them are now coming to Humber. However, we need to continue to evolve our practice in supporting students with disabilities, in order to help these students successfully complete their studies at Humber. Future directions include continued and enhanced transitions programs during the summer periods, increased focus on supports for students with mental health-related disabilities and Autism, and increased training and support for faculty in the classroom. Improving accessibility and creating an equitable and inclusive environment will benefit all students, not just those with disabilities.

Public Safety and Risk Management

Pervez Ditta gave a presentation on The Complex World of Campus Security. The goals of Humber’s Department of Public Safety and Risk Management are: to provide for a safe and secure campus community; to provide public safety services that meet the changing needs and expectations of Humber; to ensure effective emergency services are available in the event of a natural or manmade disaster; and to ensure consistent and effective delivery of public safety services. We heard about the key findings that emerged after the high-profile school shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007: the school’s emergency plan was out of date, their security training did not include shooting scenarios, the messaging system was cumbersome, and the campus was difficult to lock down. The presentation linked these findings to Humber’s current security practices. Council heard that Humber has both the critical security infrastructure necessary to support safety initiatives (including enhanced communication systems, 450 cctv cameras and 800 single-action locks), and a cultural awareness of safety (including training staff in emergency response management, creating a lockdown video supported by Humber’s President, and offering resiliency-building drills and training).

The Communiqué

John Mason and Ingrid Pulpan provided an update on the Humber Communiqué, which moved to an online format last year. Currently Humber faculty and staff access the Communiqué by clicking an icon on their computer desktop or visiting Later this month, Humber faculty and staff will receive an email inviting them to subscribe to the Communiqué. Subscribers will receive email notifications of Communiqué highlights (with an option to unsubscribe at any time), with an embedded link to the full Communiqué.

The United Way Campaign

Paula Gouveia and Jason Hunter shared some information about the United Way campaign. Last year, Humber exceeded our fundraising goal, raising a total of $70,000. With your help, Humber can surpass our goal of $60,000.This year, the campaign kicked off with Thanksgiving pie sales at both the North and Lakeshore campuses and continues with a raffle on October 15, with prizes including parking passes, an iPad, a Kobo reader, and two return train tickets to Montreal, a CN Tower climb on October 20, and the very popular Spinathon, which will be held on November 30 at the North Campus.

The biggest contributor, however, is employee donations, and this year it is even easier to donate: all Humber employees will be receiving an email with a link to an online pledge form, where you can either make a one-time donation or arrange for payroll deductions. To finish up the presentation, Council members watched an extremely moving video that illustrates the incredible difference that the United Way makes in the lives of individuals in our community.


October 15, 2012
October 15, 2012

Humber is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Employment Equity is a program legislated by the Federal Employment Equity Act (1995) to remove barriers to employment for Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and women. Humber includes sexual minorities as part of its overall equity program, including employment equity. Your participation is important.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity invites all faculty, support and administration staff to complete the revised Employment Equity Questionnaire. The information that you provide in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential. Please take a few minutes to complete the confidential questionnaire.

To access the questionnaire:

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an accessible format, or have any questions about Employment Equity, please refer to the ‘Resources’ section of the Human Rights, Equity & Diversity’s website, or contact Nancy Simms, Director Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at 416.675.6622 ext.4425.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services thanks you for playing your part in building a more inclusive Humber.


October 15, 2012
October 15, 2012

Please note: the Organization ID is 12458, and purchase of Canada Savings Bonds is for full-time employees only. The deadline is November 1, 2012, and payroll deduction changes will take effect on December 14, 2012.

If you have any questions please visit or speak with either:

Elke Lee, Payroll Manager
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4333

Brenda Spottiswood, Payroll Supervisor
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4330

