
June 4, 2012
June 4, 2012

Congratulations to Julian Anderson-Bowes, Sam Dickinson, and Matthew Chalmers for an outstanding performance at the 10th Annual Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival held on Sunday, June 3, 2012.

June 4, 2012

After 35 years of hard work and dedication to Humber and the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Joe Aversa, Associate Dean of English and Communications, has decided to retire at the end of this academic year.

While you can take the teacher out of the classroom, you can’t take the classroom out of the teacher. As a professor, coordinator, chair and associate dean in LAS, Joe has always put students first in everything that he has done. Be it through the development of vocationally relevant language courses to increase student success and engagement, the creation of our Writing Centres to support the language needs of Humber students or the establishment of pathways for international students into Humber programs as Director of the English Language Centre, Joe Aversa has been and continues to be a shining example of the commitment to teaching and learning that is a hallmark of a Humber education.

Over the course of his career, Joe has shown leadership in language teaching and has rightfully earned the respect and trust of colleagues both within Humber and across the province, and in many ways, Joe Aversa has become the “Head” of language learning in Ontario.
To say that he will be missed is an understatement. To itemize his contributions to LAS and Humber in general would be impossible but we are all better off for having had the opportunity to work with him. On behalf of the entire Humber community, let me express my sincerest thanks and wish you all the best as you embark on this next chapter of your life.

Paula Gouveia, Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences

 For information on Joe's retirement reception, please click here.

June 1, 2012

The Department of English would like to bid a very fond farewell to Ausra Karka who will be retiring this year. Ausra joined Humber in 1980 and focused much of her teaching career on developmental language issues.

Her early work as coordinator of the Language Development Centre (now the Writing Centre) made her an influential advocate of post-secondary ESL courses to address the language needs of Humber’s ever-growing second-language population, resulting in an Innovator of the Year Award and her co-authoring a textbook for English language learners, Writing Skills for the Workplace: ESOL. A specialist in writing assessment, she also helped to develop and coordinate the English placement testing process, creating a system that has been modeled in many other colleges. A Distinguished Faculty Award recipient, Ausra served as a mentor to many of her colleagues and will be long remembered for her many contributions to the department.


June 1, 2012

The Department of English would like to bid a very fond farewell to Lucy Valentino. Lucy began teaching at Humber in 2005 and has served as coordinator of English at the Lakeshore campus since 2009. She joined Humber after a long and successful career at Centennial College where she began as a professor in the School of English and Liberal Studies and was later appointed Chair and then Acting Dean of the school.

The author of two books on writing, Handle with Care: Communicating in the Human Services Field in Canada and To Serve and Protect: Communicating in Law Enforcement in Canada, Lucy played a significant role in the design and implementation of specialized workplace communications courses for students in community service programs. She won several awards including the NISOD Teaching Award and the Centennial College Board of Governors Award for Academic Leadership and is well respected in the college system for her contributions to the field of English communications.


June 1, 2012

The Department of English would like to bid a very fond farewell to Stella Eyles who will be retiring this year. Stella began teaching at Humber in 1983. Her early experiences in Academic Upgrading and the Communications laboratory, coupled with her previous years of teaching at the secondary school level, set the stage for her career-long interest in remedial writing and helping students gain the language skills necessary for college and career success.

A very versatile teacher and Distinguished Faculty Award winner, Stella enjoyed success teaching academic and workplace writing courses as well and was seen as a mentor by many of her Lakeshore colleagues who greatly benefitted from her knowledge, experience and generous caring nature. No matter what courses she taught, the results were always the same: her students left her class with much improved writing skills, and her colleagues always knew when they had students in their classes who had Stella the previous semester.


May 31, 2012

After 35 years of long service and dedication to Humber, Lesia Mision, Associate Director, Financial Services, has decided to retire at the end of August, 2012.

Lesia joined the Financial Services & Planning department in 1977 as a Cost Clerk then moved to more progressive positions and most recently as the Associate Director, Financial Services.

Over the past year and a half, Lesia has been part of the Implementation Team of the Enterprise System Project contributing her knowledge and experience towards the Finance module.

We will be holding a retirement reception for Leisa  to provide everyone an opportunity to wish her well as she moves on to a new chapter in her life spending quality time with her family and friends. For more details, please click here.

Please join me in wishing Lesia all the best in her retirement!


May 30, 2012
May 30, 2012

Dear Humber faculty and textbook decision makers,

This note is a reminder that the bookstore is currently in the process of acquiring books for September 2012.  Receiving your list of adopted materials as soon as possible will allow us to source more used books for incoming students, provide top dollar for students finishing the course, and ensures that we have time to locate all of your materials.

To submit your list of adopted materials, use our online adoption tool for North campus and Lakeshore Campus. If you utilize our website, you  can find the edoption page by going to the "Faculty Services" page, and clicking on edoptions. You will be asked to login or register, and will be asked for a password. The passwords are as followss:

  • North Campus: 947
  • Lakeshore Campus: 948

If you prefer a printed paper copy of your previous  term information, we can provide you with that on request.

Our rental program, Rent–A–Text, enables students to rent their books and save, on average, up to 50 per cent off the cost of buying new. To see if your textbooks are currently available for rent, visit, click on the “Faculty” link and search for your title. If your title is not currently available for rent you may browse this website to find other textbooks that may suit your curriculum or contact us to see whether your textbook can be added to the program.

Your textbook may also be available digitally through Café Scribe, our solution that provides students with another format for learning as well as a generally reduced price from the traditional print version of a textbook. Students can highlight, take and share notes, print pages of the text, and network with other students either in your class or who are using the same textbook on other campuses. Contact the bookstore for additional information or visit Café Scribe online.

We respect that you are in the midst of a busy time in the term, so please let us know if we can assist you in any way. We are here to answer your questions with the book adoption process or during any time of the year. We look forward to receiving your list of adopted materials.

Thank you

Debby Martin 
416.675.6622 ext. 4555
Humber North Bookstore

Indira Danraj
416.675.6622 ext. 4987
Humber North Bookstore

Sharon Mundle
416.675.6622 ext. 3566
Humber Lakeshore Bookstore

Jim Killen
416.675.6622 ext. 3556
Humber Lakeshore Bookstore


May 30, 2012
May 30, 2012

The Humber Bookstore North Campus will have the following summer hours starting
Monday, June 4 until Saturday, September 1, 2012  

Day Time

Open Close
Monday 8:30 a.m.   6:30 p.m.  
Tuesday 8:30 a.m.   6:30 p.m.  
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.   6:30 p.m.  
Thursdsay 8:30 a.m.   6:30 p.m.  
Friday 8:30 a.m.   4:30 p.m.  
Saturday 8:30 a.m.   2 p.m.  
Sunday Closed



May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012

Congratulations to all of the award winners from the third annual Humber Orangeville Campus Student Success Awards night held on Thursday, May 24, 2012.

Students and staff were recognized for their academic achievement or their contribution to student life at the campus. It truly was a very special night for everyone.


May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012

Congratulations to the following individuals for answering all of the NAOSH Week quiz questions correctly:

  1. Dekel Chui
  2. Amber Lantsman
  3. Thangaraj Seeniraja

Enjoy your Tim Hortons Gift card!!

Answers to the quiz are in bold below.

  1. You are required to report all work related injuries to your supervisor as soon as possible.

a) True
b) False

  1. Which of the following are good practices to help avoid slips, trips, and falls?

a) Be aware of your environment and select footwear appropriate to your work
b) Adjust your pace to suit the walking surface
c) When carrying objects, ensure that you can properly see where you are going
d) Keep walkways and floors clear of boxes, extension cords and litter
e) All of the above

  1. Proper workstation design always includes which of the following?

a) The top of the monitor should be at, or slightly below, eye level
b) A foot stool under the desk
c) Your elbows to bend at a 90 degree angle when your fingers are on the home row of the keyboard
d) All of the above
e) A & C

  1. A chair that is properly sized and adjusted to your height will allow:

a) Your feet to rest flat on the floor or comfortably on a foot rest
b) A few centimeters of space between the front of the chair and the back of your knees
c) You to maintain perfect posture throughout your work day
d) A & B

  1. Before using a portable ladder it is important to:

a) Inspect it for broken or missing parts
b) Inspect the area where it will be used for hazards such as falling material or electrical wires
c) Ensure you are wearing appropriate footwear
d) All of the above

  1. A general guideline in the use of perfumes and other scented products is that the scent should not be detectable more than an arm’s length away from the user:

a) True
b) False

  1. Options for adjusting the lighting at your work station may include:

a) Using task specific lighting
b) Increasing the height of your computer monitor
c) Adjusting brightness settings on your computer
d) A & C

  1. If you sustain an injury during the course of your work, you can seek medical attention by:

a) Visiting the Health Centre
b) Calling Security
c) Visiting an urgent care clinic (when neither the Health Centre or Security are available)
d) All of the above

  1. When using a portable ladder you should:

a) Only carry materials in one hand when ascending or descending the ladder
b) Avoid moving the ladder if nearby objects can be reached by stretching outside the side rails
c) Always keep one hand or one foot in contact with the ladder when ascending or descending
d) None of the above

  1. Common hazards associated with slips, trips and falls include:

a) Spills
b) Loose rugs or mats
c) Weather (rain or snow)
d) Clutter
e) All of the above

Bonus Question:

What does the acronym NAOSH stand for?
North American Occupational Safety & Health
