Learn Blackboard Ultra. January training sessions now posted to the Innovative Learning training calendar. Links below. Registration is required.
Getting Started with Blackboard Ultra**
January 6, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Presented during Faculty ED-Venture Days, this session focuses on the new Blackboard ULTRA dashboard and course navigation. Participants will learn how to apply the Humber template and create and send announcements and course messages in an ULTRA course. Also, we will look at the main content structures and tools available.
Creating Content in Blackboard Ultra**
January 7, 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Presented during Faculty ED-Venture Days. Blackboard Ultra’s modern design provides an opportunity to create more inclusive, flexible learning materials. In this session, we will explore various types of content you can build in Blackboard Ultra, such as documents, uploads, links, and embeds. We will also review the methods you can use to organize your content.
Blackboard Learn Basic Ultra*
January 19, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.
This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to engage, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View.
Blackboard Collaborate Basics*
January 25, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Blackboard Collaborate is a virtual classroom tool that allows you to engage with your students in real-time, to record sessions for students to watch later, and to offer live virtual office hours. In this 45-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging virtual classroom sessions.
Note: Humber is ‘sunsetting’ Collaborate at the end of the semester and moving to Microsoft Teams. But for those who need help now, this session may be helpful.
Q&A with Experts: Blackboard Collaborate*
January 26, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Have a question on how to do something in Blackboard Collaborate? Join this live Office Hours session where Blackboard experts will be on hand to answer questions, demonstrate workflows and provide guidance on teaching remotely.
Note: Humber is ‘sunsetting’ Collaborate at the end of the semester and moving to Microsoft Teams. But for those who need help now, this session may be helpful.
Q&A with Experts: Blackboard Learn Ultra*
January 27, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Have a question on how to do something in Blackboard Learn Ultra? Join this live Office Hours session where Blackboard experts will be on hand to answer questions, demonstrate workflows and provide guidance on teaching remotely.
Registration required for all sessions.
*Presented by Blackboard
**Presented by ED-Venture Days
- Getting Started with Blackboard ULTRA (60 minutes)
This session focuses on the new Blackboard ULTRA dashboard and course navigation. Participants will learn how to apply the Humber template and create and send announcements and course messages in an ULTRA course. - Creating Content in Blackboard ULTRA (37 minutes)
This session focuses on the options for building content and learning materials in Blackboard ULTRA. - Assignments, Discussions and Journals in Blackboard ULTRA (80 minutes)
This session focuses on setting up Assignments, creating Discussions (formerly Discussion Board), and using Journals in your course. - Tests and Question Banks in Bb Ultra (55 minutes)
In this Blackboard ULTRA workshop will learn how to build Tests and how to import Question Banks. We will also share tips on how to bring over tests from BB Original courses. - Using the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra (30 minutes)
This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up assessments, utilizing different types of assessments and creating gradable assignments in Blackboard Learn Ultra.