Barb Riach, Associate Vice President, Enrolment Management and Registrar

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Barb Riach as Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Management & Registrar. Barb joined Humber in 1997 and holds a Master of Business Administration from Royal Roads University, a Bachelor of Education from Brock University and is also a graduate of Humber’s Public Relations diploma program.

Barb was appointed to the role of Registrar in 2014 and has taken on increasing institution-wide leadership responsibilities in addition to leading transfer/pathway activities, the development and reporting of student fees, and the implementation and ongoing development of Humber’s student system. In addition, she co-authored Humber’s 2nd Strategic Mandate Agreement and made contributions to the development of Humber’s Strategic Plan. Barb will continue to provide leadership and expertise in the execution of Humber’s strategic plan and enrolment goals.

Please join me in recognizing and congratulating Barb for earning this new role.


Jason Hunter
Vice President, Students and Institutional Planning